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IELTS exam stress is reduced with these simple tips

A female student who is preparing for an IELTS test but is stressed

For many people doing the IELTS test, it doesn’t matter their language level or how many hours they prepare. Sometimes they fail for one reason only: that is IELTS exam stress.

Stress is one of the most critical factors that can overcome you on the exam day and change the test result. You may have tried for years, strengthened your language skills, and been fully prepared for the exam; but you still get stressed on the exam day, lose your focus, and can not answer all the questions. Many students that deserve a high score get a lower score just because of stress. But how do you overcome your IELTS exam stress so that your efforts aren’t in vain and you can get the score you want? We’re going to look at why stress is a problem on exam day and what to do about it. Also, we’re going to give you some very practical steps to help with stress on exam day.

A candidate who has IELTS exam stress

1. Go to bed early on test night to reduce IELTS exam stress

Sleep is by far the best way to prepare for a big test. So the best thing you can do is get as much sleep as possible. It would be the best way to get enough sleep on the exam night to wake up early with energy and freshness for. The brain needs 8 hours of sleep to stay focused and improve function. 

So try to wake up early to get the best results on the test day. To align your body with the test day, change your sleep time to the test night several days before the test to get used to the routine. Save your energy for the exam. Go to bed, get 7-8 hours of sleep, and feel fresh on exam day!

In addition, try to eat a light and full protein breakfast and avoid eating a heavy breakfast.

2. Be confident to manage the IELTS exam stress

A girl who is confidently answering test questions

When you enter the exam tomorrow, look around the room at the other candidates – they are in the same position as you.

One of the problems for stress on test day and not getting the desired result is a lack of self-confidence. Many volunteers do not have confidence in themselves and their knowledge. Lack of self-confidence causes you not to use all your abilities on the test day. So try to increase your self-confidence to overcome stress. You have tried your best, taken various tests, and spent a lot of time preparing for the IELTS test; so there is no reason not to believe yourself. 

Avoid repeating sentences like “What if I can’t give the right answer?” Or “I feel like I don’t remember anything, and I’m not ready for the test.” Instead of letting these statements get you down, use phrases like “I tried and I have good language skills” and “I want to do well on this test.” 

Come to the meeting with confidence in your abilities and ensure that you will get the correct result with your efforts.

3. Take the Mock exam

The more you are familiar with the test environment, the less stress you will feel.

Many candidates are impressed by the hall’s atmosphere when they first attend the test session and are overwhelmed by stress. The best way to solve this problem is to take the Mock exam. These exams are held on different dates and by reputable institutions. Mock exams are very similar to the final exam; you feel like you are in the final exam when you attend this session. In addition, all questions are designed by proficient language examiners, and it will make you sure to understand what the exam expects of you well in advance. 

When you receive the Mock exam result, you will be given a complete analysis of all parts, and you can identify your strengths and weaknesses. So you can take the Mock exams for much less than the main exam. By doing this, you will get acquainted with the atmosphere and questions of the IELTS test so that you don’t have stress on the test day.

4. Prepare Well for IELTS Test by Figuring out Your Strengths and Weaknesses

After studying hard and taking the Mock exams, you will find out your strengths and weaknesses. Improve your performance by identifying and focusing on them during the exam day and not getting stressed. 

As you have understood both your strengths and weaknesses, you can quickly estimate how many hours you need to study mindfully. Make a complete study plan and devote more time to overpower your weak areas without fail. Moreover, you can execute more changes to the plan as you thrive in your IELTS preparation.

Use your strengths to your benefit and study carefully while making a plan. You will feel a lot better and make the most of your study time by doing this.


Finally, try not to be afraid of failure, think logically, and don’t expect too much from yourself. If you don’t get the desired result on the exam day, know that you still have a chance, and do not give up. Have a lot of practice and preparation, study the previous exams, and get acquainted with all aspects of the IELTS test to overcome your stress on exam day.

Best of luck with your IELTS exam!

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