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Ask the examiner a question in the speaking test

A girl in a hat with a lot of question marks next to her
A girl with a lot of colored question marks above her head

The speaking test is one of the parts of the IELTS test in which you talk to the examiner for about 11 to 14 minutes. In this section, you will be asked three types of questions that you must answer. But the question that may arise for some learners is that if we do not understand the question, can we ask the examiner to repeat it? If yes, how should this be done? We will answer these questions in this article. Don’t worry, there is always a way.

– Introduction of speaking sections

First, to better understand and answer the questions in this article, we will briefly introduce the Speaking test and its sections.
This test consists of 3 parts. In the first part, which is most convenient, the examiner will ask you general questions about work, place of residence, and education.
In the second part, the task becomes a little harder, and the examiner gives you one of the cards on which different topics are written on it. You should think about the case for 2 minutes and answer the examiner’s questions.

The examiner asks more detailed and specialized questions about the second part in the third part. So you must understand the second part well and correctly.

– What if we don’t understand the question?

First of all, we must tell you that not understanding the question in the speaking section is common and may occur to everyone, even when the examiner asks the question quietly. So if you do not understand the question, do not stress and keep calm.
The second thing you need to know is that if you do not understand the question and want to repeat it, do not worry because this is your natural right, and you can be sure that you will not be deducted any score for asking the question. So feel free to ask the examiner to repeat the question or word for you.

Photo of the question mark on the yellow sheet

You need to know that what may lower your score is wrong pronunciation, incorrect sentences, incorrect grammatical structure, and limited vocabulary. It would be best to strengthen your skills in these areas to get a perfect score.
But the important thing to note is that the examiner can repeat the whole question for you once in the first and third sections to understand it. But the second part is a little different. You can only ask the examiner to say the word differently in this section if you do not understand it. But you have to keep in mind that asking questions and words reduces your time for thinking and answering. So it is better not to do this as much as possible.

– How to ask the examiner a question?

But if you do not understand the question with the above explanation, how can you ask the examiner to repeat the question for you, and what points you should follow.

The first and most important point is that you should ask your question in such a way as to maintain a high level of knowledge against the examiner. Also, do not use informal, intimate, or rude words in the speaking test.

For example, don’t use the phrase I don’t understand. Because the word has a negative connotation, the examiner may think that your ability to understand, hear, and respond is low. Instead of using the phrase “I don’t understand,” politely ask the if miner to repeat the question for you: “I don’t get your point. Can you please repeat it?”


As you read in this article, asking a question is not harmful and can sometimes be helpful to give a better answer by understanding the question better. But don’t ask questions as much as possible to not waste your time. So don’t forget that the condition for asking a question is a polite request and the use of high-level words in the language. We hope this article has been helpful to you.

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