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Don’t be afraid of speaking part 2!

A man conducting a speaking interview and upset about the failure

When it comes to speaking, many learners experience stress and remember the hardships and challenges of Part 2. For many learners, the second part is the most difficult speaking part. Because in the second part, you don’t know what question to answer and whether the card that the examiner chooses for you has a simple subject or is it challenging. But it’s time to put aside your stress and fears about the second part of the Speaking Test.

This article will first talk about effective ways to reduce stress and get a better score.

– Manage your time

In the second part of speaking, after the examiner gives you one of the cards and you become aware of its subject, you have about 1-2 minutes to come up with ideas and take notes on that subject. At the end of this time, the examiner will tell you that your time for thinking is over and time to answer the questions.

To avoid wasting your time, try to think about the topic quickly and find its keywords. Avoid thinking about irrelevant and marginal issues in these 2 minutes because if you waste your time and do not have a good idea about the questions, you will not be able to give proper answers, and you will lose the score of this section.

– Take notes

A girl taking notess

One of the most influential and significant tasks in speaking part 2 is taking notes. The examiner gives you a paper and pen at the beginning of the test to easily take notes. When reading the topic of the question, try to write down the keywords to use when answering the questions and describing your ideas.

For note-taking, pay attention to the general points. For example, there is no need to take notes in the first part, which is a general explanation of the question. But in the questions section, read the whole question once and write down the short phrases and keywords that come to mind. Finally, do this in 15 seconds for each question and spend the rest of your time summarizing.

These two points are essential, and observing them will help you overcome stress and answer questions better.

But in the following, we will deal with the points you can use to give more diverse answers and be fully prepared. We will also talk to you about general issues on the cards.

A photo showing IELTS samples

1. Favorites

The topic on the card may be a hobby or a favorite sport. So to better answer these questions, try to explain to yourself in advance your various interests such as sports, movies, leisure, work, and other topics so that it will not be complicated for you to describe them on the day of the test.

2. Persons

A cue card that has a theme about a person

There is another type of question in the second part of speaking in which you are asked about a person. For example, the subject on the card may be about a celebrity or one of your family and friends. To practice this part, try to visualize and describe different people before the test, talk about their personalities and work to get acquainted with these questions.

3. Activities

You may be asked about your daily activities and different habits. You can also spend about 5 minutes a day practicing this and describe the activities you have done during the day to become proficient in it.

4. Events

Before the test, try to remember, think about, and describe important life events in your life, such as birth, marriage, or graduation. Because the second part of the speaking test is a series of questions about important events in your life, think about them in advance so that you do not spend your time on the test day remembering the events.

5. Places

Another type of question is about places. In this part, as in other parts, practice before the test day. To do this, think about the place where you currently live or the places you have visited during your life so that if you are asked a question on the day of the exam, you can describe them without pausing.

6. Objects

Objects are another example of questions you must answer on exam day. You need to talk about things you use daily or have just bought and thoroughly describe them. 


By reading this, you will become more familiar with the second part of the speaking test, and you will be able to face it more easily. But do not forget that the essential thing in this section is your ability to explain different topics. So try to improve this skill. Also, be sure to use various grammatical tenses and words to not monotonous your speech.

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