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Avoiding mistakes in Writing Task 2 

There are a number of pencils next to a sign that says Mistakes to avoid

Writing Task 2 is one of the essential parts of the IELTS test, which assigns a large part of the score. You should write a 250-word essay on a scientific topic in this section. The essay’s subject is given in the question, and you have to write it using your ideas and knowledge. But you may make some mistakes in writing this essay that will lead to a low score. Avoiding mistakes is common. That’s why in this article, we will explain some of the mistakes. So if you are planning to take this test, read this article. 

A girl has several crumpled papers and a laptop next to it

1. Don’t use a sentence or word constantly

In your essay in Writing Task 2, you should write a part of the question in a paraphrased way in the first paragraphs. Do this but be careful not to repeat the question too much. Don’t even use words and phrases several times. Instead, have a vast vocabulary and use new and varied words and sentences in your writing.

2. Use logical reasons

In Task 2, you must write an essay on a scientific topic. You must use logical reasons to express your opinion and prove it in this essay. Your reasons must be entirely acceptable. Because if your writing isn’t coherent and analytical, you may not get a good score from this section. For this reason, in writing task 2, your general and scientific information should be substantial in addition to your writing skills. So don’t forget to give a logical reason for your claims. 

3. Don’t use short or very long sentences

Avoiding mistakes is especially important in sentence length. In addition to having a coherent text, you should use appropriate sentences to write your essay. You may not get a perfect score if your sentences are too short. Because by doing this, you show the examiner that your ability in sentence construction is low, and you can not relate the sentences to each other. 

A pencil and notebook with some crumpled paper

But the length of the sentences should not be too long. In this case, your sentence may be incoherent or grammatically incorrect. Also, long sentences make the examiner bored and make it impossible for you to get your point across well. So pay attention to the length of the sentences in your writings.

4. Pay attention to the number of words

As you know, in writing task 2, you must write at least 250 words. If your words exceed this value, you will lose the score in this section. But try to write more than 250 words so that you do not lose points if you make a mistake in calculating the words. To count the words, you can practice beforehand to find that 250 words fit in several lines according to your handwriting. This way, you don’t have to spend much time counting words during the exam to know how many words you have written.


This article has told you four of the most critical points you should follow. Most volunteers make common mistakes in these cases. You try to pay attention to these points during the exam to get the desired result.

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