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Everything about the TOEFL test

A photo with an orange background in which the word TOEFL is written

TOEFL is one of the most valid English language tests. To immigrate to English-speaking countries, you must obtain this degree. But what are the parts of this test, and what skills do we need to know to succeed? In the continuation of this article, we will thoroughly explain this valid test. 

General introduction of TOEFL test

A picture with the word TOEFL written next to the notebook

The TOEFL or <<Test of English as a Foreign Language>> is the first valid global test you can take to study or take a job. This test is required for admission to most universities nationwide, and passing it is your first step to accessing these universities. 

The most prestigious test being conducted in most countries today is the TOEFL IBT test, performed online. Therefore, you must have sufficient typing and computer skills to take the TOEFL test.

The TOEFL test is valid for 2 years. After obtaining a passing score in this exam, you have two years to apply for admission to your favorite university and immigrate. After two years, this degree is no longer valid, and you have to retake the exam and get the desired score.

TOEFL test sections

If you plan to take the TOEFL test, you should know that this test has four sections. In this test, your reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills will be measured, and to get a passing score, you must have an acceptable ability in all these sections. In the following, we will deal with the structure of each TOEFL section.

1. Reading

This TOEFL section measures your reading and comprehension skills. Reading is the first part of the TOEFL test that you must answer. The TOEFL reading has 3 or 4 parts that take about 54-72 minutes to answer. This means that you have about 18 minutes for each text. So be careful not to spend more time on each text than the allotted time.

Reading text topics are designed to assess your skills at the academic level. These tests are narrative, interpretive, and argumentative. 

Someone testing with a pencil

2. Listening

The listening part is the second part of the TOEFL test that you have to answer. In this test, like the IELTS test, a tape is placed for you, and about 9 audio files are played from it. You should listen to these files carefully and answer 34-51 questions in this section.

Don’t forget that you have about 60 to 90 minutes to answer the questions in this section.

How to play these audio files is that after playing each part of the file, the related questions will be read to you, and you must answer them. After the questions in this section, the next section starts. You can no longer go back to the previous section and answer the questions. So try to have an excellent schedule to answer all the questions on time.

3. Speaking

This is the third part of the test and starts after a 10-minute break after the listening part. TOEFL Speaking is very different from IELTS Speaking. This test has 6 questions and evaluates your speaking, reading, and listening skills. The first two questions of the speaking test are independent. Because these questions only assess your speaking skills.

The next four questions are non-independent. This means that you will measure your three skills in these questions. The questions in this section may be from reading and listening, so try to stay focused when answering these sections so that you can answer the speaking questions.

4. Writing

The last part of the TOEFL test is about writing. You must answer two types of combined and independent questions in this section. The first part of the TOEFL writing is related to combined questions. This is a text in this section, and you should read it. Then someone will talk to you about this text. 

After these steps, you have about 20 minutes to write the speaker’s and your comments about the text and explain it with a logical reason. 

The second part of the writing has independent questions. In this section, the examiner gives you a topic you should write about in 30 minutes.

TOEFL test scheduling and scoring

Unlike the IELTS test, all 4 TOEFL test skills are taken in one day. You have about 3:30 hours to answer all the TOEFL test questions. There is also a ten-minute break after the listening test, which helps the candidates focus.

The TOEFL test score is calculated from 0 to 120. Each of the four skills has 30 points, and the passing score in this test varies according to your goal and destination. So, before the test, with the help of consultants and identification of the destination university, be informed of your required score.


The TOEFL test is specialized and fundamental, and you must be excellent in all four skills to get a passing score. Be sure to set goals, consult with consultants, and take the TOEFL mock test before taking the test. Because these tests can be an essential step to getting a passing score and success.

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