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Everything about TOEFL Speaking 

A beautiful girl who is showing the word Speaking TOEFL

TOEFL is one of the most prestigious international exams you must take to study and work. Like the IELTS test, this test has four skills: speaking, listening, writing, and reading, all of which you must be proficient in. Unlike the IELTS test, the TOEFL speaking is held on the main test day. This section is very challenging, and in addition to speaking skills, it also includes other skills that we will explain in the following. This article will review TOEFL speaking questions and prepare you for this test. So join us.

Two women taking a speaking test

Introducing TOEFL Speaking 

TOEFL Speaking has 6 questions, and your voice is recorded throughout the test. You have a set time to answer each question, and if you talk more than the allotted time, your conversation will not count. This test will also assess your reading and listening skills. This way, several questions are independent, and only your speaking skills are tested. Several questions are also dependent and are about all three skills. 

Questions 1 and 2

The first two questions of the TOEFL Speaking Test are independent and only measure your speaking skills. We will explain these questions below. 

In these questions, you have about 1 minute. In the first 15 seconds, the question is read to you. Then you have 45 seconds to answer the questions. This is a short time, so you just have to show your speaking skills and avoid talking that isn’t relevant to the question. Also, avoid talking too much to manage your time.

Question 1

The first question will ask you about general topics. In this section, you have many choices to answer. For example, you may be asked what your favorite pastime is. In that case, don’t overthink; only explain one of your pastimes. 

Question 2

In this section, you will be asked a question, and two options will be placed in front of you. You have to choose one of these options and explain it. Don’t waste your time. Choose one and start quickly.

Questions 3 – 6

A table is shown from above showing the hands of two people speaking

These questions are a combination that also assesses your three speaking, listening, and reading skills. So try to pay attention to the questions during the reading and listening tests and memorize them to easily answer these questions. 

Question 3

You will first be given a text to read in 50 seconds in this question. Then in the next 50 seconds, someone expresses their opinion, and you have to listen to it. Next, you have about 30 seconds to think. Finally, you have about 1 minute to express your opinion.

Question 4

This question is like the third question, and you have to read a text, listen to someone and then express your opinion. This question is no different from the third question in terms of timing. The only difference between the two questions is in the subject. The subject of question 4 is academic.

Question 5

The subject of this question is like the third question. But you don’t need to read the text in this section. In the question listening section, you hear the conversation between two people. One person states a problem in this question, and the other person offers a solution. In addition to summarizing the problem and solutions, you should comment on the issue. 

Question 6

The subject of the sixth question, like the fourth question, is usually academic. This section will listen to a professor who examines an issue from two sides. Finally, you should also express your opinion about what Master said.


In this article, you will get acquainted with TOEFL speaking test questions. These questions require sufficient skills in speaking, listening, and reading. So don’t forget that you have to be skilled in all sections to get the desired score in TOEFL Speaking.

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