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How to answer reading completion questions?

A beautiful girl who is thinking

Hello. As you know, IELTS Reading consists of several types of questions, one of which is the completion questions. You should know that these questions can be divided into several categories that may be given in the test of one of these categories. It may seem complicated, but we will explain these questions in this article and tell you how to answer them. So if you are planning to take the IELTS test, be sure to read this article so that you are no longer afraid of the reading test.

Types of completion questions

These questions are divided into seven types, each of which may be given in the exam.

A man thinking about a reading test

1. Table Completion

A table is usually given in this category of questions. This table contains information from the text, but some places are blank and incomplete. You have to complete this table correctly according to the passages. 

In this type of question, you must pay attention to how many words you can write. This is a very important point. Because if the number of words you write is more than the allowed limit, you will lose the score of this section.

Also, do not forget that having a misspelling or a wrong grammar will make your answer wrong, and you will not get any points.

You can answer these tables by using the words column and row before and after.

2. Flowchart Completion

The second category is flowchart questions. These questions are like table questions. But the difference between flowchart questions and table questions is that flowchart questions are sequential. In this category, information and questions are sequential and interrelated.

In this type of question, you must extract the correct answer from the text according to the words before and after and write it. There is also a word limit in flowchart questions; you shouldn’t write more than allowed.

3. Note Completion

In this category of questions, usually, a note is written from the text, and there are one or more blanks in it. You need to read the question, find the text passage and fill in the blanks. 

You are told how many words you can use to complete the sentences at the beginning of each question. So be sure to pay attention to this point. These questions are usually not difficult, and you can easily answer them with a little focus.

4.‏Sentence Completion

These questions are usually asked in the reading test and are very common. These questions are like Note questions. In this category of questions, part of the text is given, and there is a blank at the end. You must complete the end of these sentences according to the text and according to the sentence of the question, observing the number of words allowed. These questions are also convenient and just require a lot of practice. 


These questions are also common and may be asked in IELTS Reading. In this category of questions, a map or diagram is usually given. You should find the information in this map or diagram from within the passages. After making sure the information is correct, write it down in the blanks on the chart and map and complete it. You must be careful about the number of words allowed in these questions.

6.‏ Summary Completion (Words Given)

These questions may be the most challenging completion questions. This section gives a summary of the passages, which has several blanks. There is also a list of words that you must write the appropriate word in the blank provided. To answer these questions, read each question and then write the word that you think is correct next to the question. Do this until the end of the questions to place each word correctly. 

7. Summary Completion (Words Not Given)

These questions are the same as the previous ones. In this category, a summary of the text is given. You have to fill several blanks in it according to the passages. But in this category of questions, words are not given to you, and you have to find the desired word from the text and write it in the right place. 


As you have read, there are 7 completion questions in Reading, and you should be prepared to answer each of them. It may seem complicated, but with a lot of practice and fast Reading of passages, you can easily answer these questions and get the total score from this section.

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