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The grammar importance in the IELTS test

A blackboard with the word grammar written on it

Hello. In this article, we want to talk to you about the critical role of grammar in the IELTS test. Grammar is the basis of any language. For this reason, to learn the basics of a language, we must first know its grammar well. Grammar plays a vital role in all four IELTS skills, and grammatical mistakes can dramatically reduce your IELTS score. Read more about the grammar importance in IELTS skills in this article. So join us.

A girl who is thinking and reading a book

The grammar importance in speaking 

IELTS speaking is a face-to-face test with the examiner in which your speaking and sentence skills are assessed. You may ask why grammar is essential in this section? It is true that the speaking test measures your fluency in speaking, but don’t forget that 25% of the score on this test is related to correct grammar. What you say in the speaking test must be principled and correct. That’s why using the right grammar is so important. You have to practice a lot in this section to use sentences with complex structure and grammar. In this case, your conversation with the examiner looks professional, and you can get his opinion. 

The grammar importance in Writing

The role of grammar is critical in writing skills. 25% of your writing score, both in the general and academic exams, is dedicated to grammar. As you know, in IELTS writing, you must write a report and an essay. In your writings, you must use correct and varied grammar. If your text is correct in all respects, but the grammar and sentence structure are incorrect, you will lose the score. Your Writing should be entirely principled, accurate, and perfect. So be sure to pay attention to the grammar of your sentences when practicing IELTS writing and try to use them in the correct place of the sentence. 

Someone is practicing writing next to a laptop

The grammar importance in Reading 

The grammar importance in the reading section is less than in the other two sections we discussed. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter. You should use correct grammar when writing the answers to the questions, if necessary, so you can get a complete grade from this section. 

The grammar importance in Listening 

A tape is played in the listening test, and you have to listen to it. You will not notice the speaker’s sentence if you don’t know the correct grammar. This will cause you to make a mistake when answering the questions, and you will not be able to get the grammar score of this section.


You understood grammar’s importance in the IELTS test in this article.

There may not be a direct score for this section, but it will reduce the score if you make a mistake. So try to learn the language basics with the correct grammar.

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