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Watching movies to improve IELTS skills

A girl who is watching a movie with headphones and laughing

Hello. In previous articles, we discussed the importance of watching movies and listening to podcasts to strengthen your IELTS skills, especially listening and speaking skills. Watching English language movies with different accents helps a lot in learning English. But it’s important to see which movie suits your language level. To choose the right movie, you must consider several essential factors. This article will explain the important rules of watching movies to improve IELTS skills. So stay with us.

The girl that has control and sitting in front of the TV

Watch repetitive movies

If you are new to the language or want to take the IELTS test, choosing films you have already seen is the best. The reason for this is that you have seen the movie before and you know what is going to happen in it. So you are mentally prepared and understand the dialogue and pronunciations better. So go for popular and repetitive movies to get started.

Watch short movies

If you have just started watching movies, use short movies. Because it helps you stay focused. Also, if you choose a movie you don’t like, you will always wait for it to end soon, and you will get bored. At these times, your mind will no longer be inclined to learn and focus. So your work will be useless. 

But if the movie you have chosen is long, but you are interested in it, you can divide it. For example, you can turn a 1-hour movie into two 30-minute times and watch one episode daily. This way, the movie will be more productive for you.

Have a notebook to watch the movies

A girl who is watching a movie and has a notebook with her

Sometimes when you watch a movie, you may come across a term, or word you have not heard that seems appealing. You may want to use this word and learn it. For this, it is better to have a notebook and write down the words that you think are new. You can visit this notebook whenever you want and learn the words or use them wherever you want.

Watch a movie several times

Maybe when you start watching the movie for the first time, you don’t understand much or don’t have the opportunity to pay attention to all the conversations and words. Also, sometimes you may forget all the terms and words. This way, watching the movie seems useless. If you find a movie that you think will help you learn your language a lot, watch that several times. 

You may not even hear or understand some dialogue and words for the first time. But suppose you watch a movie several times. In that case, you will gradually master the movie, and all the dialogues and terms will remain in your mind.


Watching movies is one of the best ways to improve your language. But if you want to be effective, follow the tips mentioned in this article. This way, you will become familiar with different pronunciations and accents that can help you greatly in your speaking test.

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