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3 ways to paraphrase text in the IELTS test

A girl is thinking and the word paraphrase is written next to her

Paraphrasing is one of the most essential skills in the IELTS test, the use of which makes you get a high score. In this skill, you have to write a sentence in a way that doesn’t change its meaning, but its words and grammar are different. But how do you have a professional paraphrase? Here are some ways you can do this easily. 

– Use synonyms and antonyms

One of the best ways to paraphrase a text is to use synonyms and antonyms. This method is very convenient and practical. You just have to have a vast vocabulary to be able to write several synonymous and contradictory words in one sentence. This makes it easy to paraphrase and show the examiner that your vocabulary is extensive and you have mastered them. In this way, you can write the words in another way. For example, convert a negative sentence to a positive sentence or contrariwise.

The word synonym and antonym is written on a wooden dice

Consider these examples:

  • Main sentence: This man is rich.
  • Paraphrased sentence: This man isn’t poor.

– Change the grammar

Changing the grammar is a great way to paraphrase. This method is very professional and shows the examiner that you know the level of excellent language and are aware of all the grammatical points. In this method, you have to change the sentence’s grammatical structure without changing its meaning. For example, you can turn an active sentence into a passive or contrariwise one. This method will help you a lot in the writing section.

A photo with a green background on which the word grammar is written

– Change the role of words

Another way of paraphrasing is to change the role of words. For example, in the main sentence, a word plays the role of an adjective. You need this skill to turn an adjective word into an Adverb in a paraphrased sentence. This method has a lot of variety and can be done easily.

Last point

Paraphrasing helps your score a lot, but you have to do it correctly and not make mistakes. If you mistype a text and change the sentence’s meaning, you will lose your score. So have a lot of practice in this section. Also, read the sentence once after paraphrasing to ensure the meaning has not changed.

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