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By following these tips, take the IELTS test only once

A girl who is happy with her success

You may have taken the IELTS test many times, but your score is always 5 or lower. But do you know where the problem comes from and why you fail to get the score you want? There are wrong ways to avoid them. This article will tell you what not to do and what steps successful candidates can take to succeed and increase their scores. So join us.

Don’t do these things

A girl is showing her hand

1. Having multiple teachers

The first reason you must avoid it to reduce your confusion is to follow a few teachers. Every teacher has their own different way. If you want to follow the method of all teachers, you will be faced with many instructions that will only lead to misguidance. For example, one of your teachers says to be sure to use complex grammar. You hear another teacher say that using simple but correct grammar is better. Finally, another teacher gives you a list of commonly used grammar just to read. In this case, you are faced with a variety of ways, and it causes you to lose your focus.

2. Using multiple sources of information

Volunteers sometimes think they are more successful if they have different resources for language learning. For example, some volunteers buy many instructional videos and IELTS preparation books and take many courses and exams. But after a while, they get confused, and as a result, they don’t get the desired result in the test.

As you know, there is a lot of information and resources. You shouldn’t read them all because it will not work well. In addition, just reading a lot of books isn’t enough. You have to read, learn and practice to get results. So the best thing to do is to use limited resources but learn them thoroughly.

3. Using shortcuts

It is impossible to have a difficult test ahead of you, but using shortcuts has not occurred to you. Using shortcuts and tricks is a method that candidates are always looking for. But the critical thing is that there are no tricks and shortcuts in the IELTS test to get high scores. Just practicing and mastering English is the right way. 

You may come across different advertisements that many institutions have for teaching shortcuts. You may want to try them. But don’t be fooled! Because by participating in these courses, you have just wasted your time and money and aren’t on the right path.

Characteristics of successful candidates

1. Goal setting

A booklet about having a goal

Successful people always have a goal. They don’t visit any site or watch educational videos but set their own goals and use resources accordingly. These people study for the IELTS test according to a particular program. They consult with professional consultants and go step by step according to their plan and goal to achieve success.

2. Taking action

Successful candidates start from the very day they receive their study program. Some volunteers have the best training programs, the best teacher, and the most accurate programs, but they don’t start and just move the study to another day. Successful volunteers start learning, find their weaknesses and try to overcome them. 

3. Not giving up

A board on which the sentence "never give up" is written

But the most essential characteristic of successful people in the IELTS test is perseverance. Many IELTS test takers are excited to read at first. They set a goal, plan, and take the main exam after a while. But they lose motivation by getting low scores on the main exam or the Mock tests. This is very wrong. Successful people are persistent and don’t get disappointed immediately after the first defeat. 


To succeed in the IELTS test, you must follow all of the above to get your desired score. This exam is very challenging, and you must have a goal and plan for it.

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