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Choose IELTS on paper or computer?!

Girl with her hands showing the word IELTS on paper and IELTS on the computer

If you plan to take the IELTS test, you must have come across the terms IELTS on paper and computer. But do you know how these two tests are conducted and their differences? In this article, we will explain these tests to you in detail. We also compare them and help you choose the test you want according to your abilities. So don’t miss this article.

Important features of the IELTS on computer 

A girl takes the exam with a computer

As you know, the speaking part of the IELTS test is held only orally. But the three sections Listening, Reading and Writing, are designed in both written and online versions, and you can participate in them. But don’t forget that in the computer method you have more possibilities than on paper.

Listening section

In the listening section of the IELTS test, the desired questions are displayed on the screen. One of the listening section features is the ability to move between different sections by the tab key. Also, after listening to the desired file and answering the questions, you can easily answer some questions by dragging and dropping. Like in the other sections, you can type the questions answers. 

Reading section

As in other sections, the text is on the right, and the questions are on the left in the reading section. So you can answer the questions on the other side of the screen simultaneously and easily.

In the reading section, facilities are provided to answer the questions so you can easily record your desired answer. You can copy and paste the correct answer in this section and no longer waste your time writing. You can also highlight the reading text or even change the font size to your liking.

Writing section

One of the biggest problems for volunteers in the writing department is the number of words. A good feature of the writing part of the computer test is that you no longer need to manually count the words you write. Because the computer will calculate the number of words for you quickly and in the shortest time.

Also, if you misspelled text somewhere, you don’t need to erase the text and waste your time writing again. You can easily edit your text in the IELTS on computer and perform cut, copy and paste operations.

Differences between IELTS on paper and computer

A man is testing with a pen

First of all, you should know that there is no difference between the two tests in the type, the format of questions, and their content. Both tests have the same instructions and are scored the same way. The most important difference between the IELTS test in both written and computer methods is that the three parts of Listening, Reading, and Writing are done with the help of a computer, and the answer must be typed. 

Response time

In the IELTS Listening section on paper, you have about 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet. But in the IELTS on computer, you view the text and questions simultaneously, and the answers are entered directly into the computer. There is no separate answer sheet; you have only 2 minutes. This is the time to finalize the answers and send the answer sheet.

Results announcement

There is also another significant difference between the two versions when the results will be announced. In the IELTS on computer, the results are determined earlier, and you get your score between 3-5 after the test. But as you know, in the IELTS on paper, you must wait 13 days for your exam result. 


The IELTS on computer has many advantages. But if you want to choose this type of test, you must be good at typing. Otherwise, you may run out of time and be unable to manage it. Another important point is that the screen will be locked immediately after the exam time, and there will be no chance. According to these points, you can choose which test is more suitable for you.

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