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Do you know the difference between the IELTS Academic and General?

An orange-clad girl showed the words academic and general with her hands.

Many newcomers to the IELTS test face a challenging topic. How many types of IELTS tests are there? What are the features of IELTS Academic and General modules, and which one is more suitable for them? Don’t worry. In this article, we have explained these two modules of the IELTS test and their differences. So if you want to take the IELTS test, join us. 

Introduction to IELTS Academic 

A blue paper with the word IELTS Academic written on it.

Those wishing to apply for a degree at a foreign university must take the IELTS Academic Exam. Different universities each have different grades for admission. So be sure to set goals before the exam and be informed of the required score of your desired university. 

But entering university isn’t the only goal of holding IELTS Academic. Many reputable companies in English-speaking countries require a high IELTS academic score to hire their employees. This is to make sure that their employees are fluent in English in all respects.

Introduction to IELTS General

An orange piece of paper with the words IELTS General written on it.

Some people don’t want to immigrate to other countries through education. For example, some people want to continue living with their families in English-speaking countries. These people don’t need to take a rigorous Academic exams. They can challenge their general knowledge of English by choosing IELTS General. 

Differences between IELTS Academic and General

As you know, the IELTS test consists of four skills: listening, writing, speaking, and reading. These skills are the same in cases such as the general format of the test in both modules. The time to answer the questions in both General and Academic modules is 2:45 hours. 

But the differences between these two modules are related to the two Reading and Writing sections.

Differences in the Writing section

The questions of both modules in the Writing section are different. In Academic Writing Task 1, you will receive specialized data from various diagrams. You should analyze and interpret this data and write a complete report in 4 paragraphs. But in General writing Task 1, you are asked to write a letter to the person in question.

Note, however, that the questions for Writing Task 2 are the same in both the General and Academic modules. Task 2 has a specialized topic that you should write a 250-word article with your knowledge.

Differences in the Reading section

As you know, readings have 3 sections, each with different text. Each of these texts is called a passage. The difference between Reading in two modules is in the number of passages. The Academic reading exam has three parts; in each part, there is a passage you must answer questions. 

Like Academic, General Reading has three sections. Still, the first and second sections consist of two passages, and only the third section has one passage.

Difference in scoring

The notebook on which the word exam result is written

Both modules are scored equally in the Listening, Speaking, and Writing sections. But the scoring in the Reading section is different. As you know, each of the 4 skills accounts for 25% of the total score. So this difference is essential, and you need to know about it. 

Reading has 40 questions. Each question is considered 1 point, and the score is 40. That means you get one point for each question you answer correctly. For example, if you answered 30 out of 40 questions correctly, your score will not be calculated similarly in the two modules. Instead, in the general exam, your reading score is 5, and in the academic exam, the score you receive is 6.


This article will get acquainted with two General and Academic modules and their differences. Now you can more easily decide which test is proper for you, and you have to choose it. Because each of these two modules is different, you need to know what questions to prepare yourself for.  

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