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Don’t misspell anymore!

A beautiful girl who shows dislike and the word misspell is next to her

Spelling mistakes is one of the most challenging things that IELTS test takers always worry about. These mistakes are sometimes very troublesome and make it easy for candidates to lose part of their writing and listening scores. But what can we do to minimize these misspell and be comfortable with this part of the test? In this article, we will tell you some tips so that you can write the words correctly and no longer have to worry.

The girl is upset in the picture

Find your weaknesses

Every language learner has difficulty writing a series of words, and it is difficult for them to spell those words. You need to find out what kind of words you misspell frequently and have difficulty learning to spell them. Once you have identified your weaknesses, focus on the difficult words for you and improve them with practice. 

Remember the rules of words

Many words come from a combination of several letters according to a specific grammatical rule. If you learn the basics of these words correctly, you can dramatically reduce your spelling mistakes.

A beautiful girl holding a pencil and remembering

For example, pay attention to words that take the S or able. In another example, you can memorize these words forever and spell them correctly, depending on under what circumstances a word gets ly. 

Identify commonly used words

Many words in the listening and writing section are so widely used that they are used frequently and consistently. By practicing and repeating, identify these words and practice them to reduce your misspellings. 

Have a notebook

Always have a small notebook to write down the words you just came across. In addition, you can write down the words you have difficulty spelling and memorize them correctly with a lot of practice and repetition. This will make you always see these words, and your eyes will get used to spelling them correctly. As a result, these words are recorded accurately in your subconscious. 

Divide the words into small parts

Sometimes some words are too long or hard, and it isn’t easy to memorize the spelling. In these cases, you can break these words into smaller sections to make them easier for you to remember.

Listen and read

Listening and reading are effective ways to correct spelling mistakes. You can play English language files and write the words you hear. Then do it from the dictionary to see if you spelled them correctly. If they are not correct, write them down and practice their correct spelling daily until you finally learn thoroughly.

In addition, reading English texts such as English magazines, newspapers, and websites can help you improve your spelling. As you read texts, your eyes become accustomed to different words.


Misspell can greatly impact your test, especially in the listening department. You will lose the score if you give the correct answers to this section but have spelling mistakes. So spelling mistakes play a vital role in your test score, and you should not ignore them.

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