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Ideation for writing task 2

A yellow background image with a pencil and a light

As you know, writing is one of the most challenging and worrying parts of IELTS. Because writing Task 2 has a high score. Also, writing 250 words for task 2 isn’t easy, and if you don’t have a good idea, you may lose the score of this part. But do you know how to have an Ideation for Writing Task 2? This article will teach you ways to write the best ideas in writing.

A girl who has a new idea in mind

1. Practice last year’s writing

Practicing is the best way to succeed in this field. The best resources for practice are the IELTS tests of previous courses. You should study and practice at least 10 to 15 IELTS Writing Task 2 topics. Try to come up with different ideas for each one. You will subconsciously get used to having new ideas when you see each topic.

2. Ideation for everyday topics

You deal with different news and topics during the day. In addition, read English newspapers and listen to the news. Then write down the topics you think might be appropriate for Writing Task 2, and do an idea-building exercise for each. This will make your mind always ready to come up with ideas.

3. Using the brainstorming method

A paper on which a brainstorm is painted

The brainstorming method is a great way to write writing Task 2. In this method, read the topic of the writing. Then think about and write down the relevant keywords. Then Ideation for these keywords and develop them. Write down ideas and use them in your essay. In this way, try to write several main ideas so that you don’t lose the time and coherence of your writing. 

4. Mind mapping

The mind mapping method is similar to the brainstorming method but works in more detail. In this method, write the subject of writing and find its keywords. Then write down the words you think are related to the keywords. Relate them to each other and think about them. Make an idea of how these words relate and use them. 


Ideation in writing task 2 is one of the most critical steps. But having a good and coherent idea requires a lot of practice and repetition. Be sure to use these methods in your exercises to become a professional in this work over time. You can finally get your desired score from this section. We hope you find this article helpful.

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