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Increase your vocabulary with these tips

A blackboard with the word vocabulary written on it and colored pencils are next to it

Vocabulary is one of the most essential factors in passing the IELTS test. A comprehensive and varied vocabulary is key to success in all four test sections. Because the more expansive the vocabulary, the better you can convey your meaning and relate the sentences. In addition, the use of specialized and varied words will show the examiner that you have a high level of language skills and are fluent in English. But as you know, memorizing a lot of words is hard. This article will introduce ways to help you memorize words more efficiently and increase your vocabulary.

A photo with a blue background on which the vocabulary is written

1. Learn the basics of words

Maybe you have a long list of different words before you, and you try to memorize its words. But after a while, you forget all about them. But this is wrong. This time, learn the words in principle. This way, you memorize the words correctly and will never forget them. 

2. Read the English text

We told you how effectively reading English texts, magazines, and news can help you learn English in previous articles. This method is also beneficial for increasing vocabulary. Because when you read words in sentences and paragraphs, you try to make sense of that sentence. This will allow you to memorize the words with meaning. In addition, you will see the word in the sentences and understand its use in the right place. 

3. Use a dictionary

Always have a small dictionary with you. Then, wherever you see or hear a word, immediately go to your dictionary and learn the meaning of those words. In this way, you get acquainted with new words daily, and at the same time, you remember those words with meaning. 

After learning new words, try to find synonyms or antonyms simultaneously. This makes it easier for you to memorize words, and you can increase your vocabulary.

4. Do practice

A magnifying glass that shows the population word

Have a notebook for yourself and write down the words you learn. Whenever you forget a word, refer to it and review it again. In addition, try to use the new vocabulary you have learned in all four skills in the IELTS test preparation exercises. You can go to the notebook and find and use synonyms instead of repetitive and simple words during your workouts. This way, you will learn a lot of words over time and get used to using them in the main exam. 

5. Watch movies, listen to podcasts

Watching English movies can go a long way in increasing your vocabulary. Every movie you watch has a lot of new words. You can write down and memorize these words right away. Podcasts also play an essential role in increasing your vocabulary. Play your favorite podcast. When you come across a new word, pause it, look up its meaning in the dictionary, and write it down if needed.


When you start learning a new language, it is natural that your vocabulary is limited. But with time and a lot of practice, you can improve them. Use the above tips in your exercises to achieve the desired result faster. We hope this article is helpful.

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