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Is it better to use a pen or a pencil for the IELTS test?

Booklet with pencil and pen

One of the points that may occupy the minds of IELTS test takers is whether it is better to write with a pen or a pencil? Which sections should be written with a pen? In which areas is it better to use a pencil? Is it mandatory to write with a pen or pencil on the IELTS test? Don’t worry. In this article, we will answer all your questions. So join us.

A boy is testing with a pen

Listening and reading section

In the listening and reading section, you have only one choice. It is also the use of pencils. In these sections, you aren’t allowed to write the answers with a pen and only have to use a pencil. In this case, you can delete and correct them if you have the wrong answer.

Writing section

In the writing section, there is no obligation for you. You can use both a pencil and a pen. Using a pen in the writing section makes your line more beautiful and legible. But if you are more comfortable with a pencil, don’t hesitate and write your writing with a pencil.

Pencil or pen?

In the reading and listening section, you are not allowed to write with a pen and only have to use a pencil. But in the writing section, you can use whichever you want.

In this section, we will tell you the advantages and disadvantages of writing with a pen and pencil so that you can make a decision.

Writing with a pencil

One of the most important benefits of writing with a pencil is correcting mistakes. You may have a misspelled while you start writing. In this case, you can easily clear your misspelling with an eraser and replace the correct text as soon as possible. 

A boy is writing with a pencil

But when writing with a pencil, it may break. So be sure to have a sharpener with you.

Writing with a pen

One of the most important benefits of writing with a pen is the beauty and readability of the text. As you know, beautiful handwriting is important in the IELTS test. Because it allows the examiner to read your text quickly and not be confused. A pen can help you with this.

But one of the disadvantages of writing with a pen is that if you misspelled part of your text, you could not delete it. In these cases, you must draw a line on the incorrect writing and then write the correct words.

There is nothing wrong with making mistakes and correcting in the IELTS test. But it makes your text incoherent and loses its beauty. So if you are writing with a pen, try to avoid incorrect text as much as possible.


Ultimately, using a pencil or pen depends on you and your abilities. The best way is to practice at home or take Mock tests to find out which method is best for you. But be sure to bring an extra pencil or pen to the main IELTS test.

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