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Is the self-study method suitable for IELTS?

A girl who is studying and happy

You must have heard the self-study by now. Self-study is a way to start learning the language and preparing for the IELTS test on your own without taking training courses. But is this method suitable or not? In what way do you get better results, attending classes and teaching by the teacher or the self-study method? In this article, we will explain this method.

What is your language level?

Before deciding whether or not a self-study method is suitable for you, you need to know what level of language you are in. You may be a beginner and just want to start learning English. In this case, you should not use the self-study method. Because first, you have to get acquainted with the basics of the language by a teacher to learn the language properly.

A girl who wears headphones and laughs

 You may have taken language courses and are intermediate. Now you want to start reading and preparing for the IELTS test yourself. In this case, it’s up to you. Because to be successful in this case, you must be persistent and work hard. Otherwise, you will not get results. You still have a long way to go to reach an advanced level, and it is difficult to reach this level alone. However, if you know that you can study and research frequently, so get started.

But in the third case, your level may be advanced, and you just need to practice. Or you may even take language classes but feel that these classes aren’t enough for you. In this case, the self-study method is highly recommended to you. This way, you can spend most of your time practicing and studying. Be sure to get better results than attending language courses.

Of course, don’t forget that in this method, too, if you don’t practice constantly and don’t persevere, you will not get results.

How to learn the language with self-study?

A girl is holding a book and searching on a laptop

According to the above description, if you think the self-study method suits you, you should follow several points.

– First, you need to know that you should use books with an exercise section. These books usually come with educational CDs and calendars.

– The second important thing is to have a complete and coherent plan. Planning is very important in the self-study method. If you do not have a plan, you will easily waste your time and make no progress.

– Practice all parts of the English language. Have a separate program to practice words, grammar, and all four IELTS test skills and practice them.


For vocabulary, be sure to have a dictionary and notebook and practice new words with the meaning of search, note, and practice.


To practice grammar, be sure to use grammar books specific to the self-study. These books have practice topics with answers.

IELTS skills

Practice separately for the four IELTS skills. For example, you can read English books and texts, listen to podcasts or watch movies. You can also find an English-speaking partner and have daily conversations with him.


The self-study method is one of the most popular in preparing for the IELTS test. But you have to choose it according to your abilities and circumstances. You can try this method for a while and if you see progress in it, continue it.

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