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The best way to answer True/False/Not Given questions

A black page on which the true, false, and not given words are written

True / False / Not Given questions are one of the types of reading test questions that are challenging for some candidates. In these questions, you will be asked a question about passages, and you must write the correct answer using the three True/False/Not Given options. To answer these questions, you need to know if the question text information is in the passages, in which case you should use the true/yes option.

A notebook in which the word True and False is written

If the question information is opposite to the text of the passages, set false/no. In the last case, the question information may not be in the passages, which also uses the not given option for such questions.

So it is very important to understand the question and write the correct answer.

What types of questions are challenging?

False / no questions are usually the easiest of all questions, and you can recognize them quickly. Because by looking at the text, you can see that this information is the opposite of the data inside the passages.

The most critical challenges in such questions are the True and Not given questions. Because it is possible that you confuse these two options and don’t understand the correct answer.

The question information may explain the text in the passage. In these cases, most candidates quickly select the True option. This is wrong. The question information may have changed the text inside the passage or several words and sentences. Therefore, you must select the Not given option. You can choose only True if the question is exactly like the passage. Otherwise, you will lose the score.

The best strategies

Someone is solving test questions with a pen

Now that you are familiar with such questions in general and how to answer them, we will talk about the best strategies for answering True/False/Not Given questions.

  1. The first thing you need to do to answer is to look for whether it is in the passage or not after reading the question. This will determine whether your question is Not given. If the question information is in the text, specify True and False.
  2. In the next step, after making sure that the question is given, go to the false option. Because, as we said, these questions are more comfortable than true questions. Determine whether the question contradicts the information of the passage or not.
  3. In the last step, if the question was not false, look for it again in the passage, and if you are sure you will see the same question in the text, select it as the True option.

The last point

Finally, try to practice these questions a lot. Because without practice, you can not easily pass it and get an acceptable score. Also, note that in answering, never look for true questions first. Because it wastes a lot of your time and it is tough to find the answer.

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