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TOEFL Reading Question Format (1)

An image with an orange background with TOEFL reading questions written on it

Hello. One of the things you need to do before the test is to know the format and information of the test. This way, you can practice the principles and goals that lead to success. This article explains the format of various TOEFL reading questions.

By reading this, you will get acquainted with these questions, and you can choose the best way to answer them by examining the types of questions. So if you want to take the TOEFL test, read this article.

Looking at last year’s exams, we must tell you that TOEFL reading questions may be given in 10 types. In this article, we will review 5 of them, and in the following articles, we will review the continuation of the questions.

A photo with a variety of TOEFL reading questions

1. Detail questions

These questions are about the details of the passages. There is no need to argue and analyze the passage in such questions. Instead, you will be asked about the details of the text, and you have to find the desired word in the text and enter the correct answer in the answer sheet. These aren’t difficult questions, and you must be careful and focused.

2. Inference questions

As the name implies, in such questions, you should be able to extract the correct option from the text. In this section, you will be asked four options, one of which is correct. The correct option is not stated directly. Instead, the examiner expresses the text and meaning of the question in different words and sentences, and you should be able to analyze them. In this part, you will face complex questions and have to practice a lot to succeed. Paraphrasing skills can also help you a lot.

3. Negative Detail questions

These questions are like detail questions. But the difference is in being negative. These questions, like the detail questions, give a detail of the text you must find. For each question, four options are given, three of which are related to the text and have the correct information. One of the options is wrong. You must find and enter it as the correct answer in the answer sheet.

4. Summary questions

An orange notebook with the word Summary questions in it

These questions are a bit difficult, and your comprehension skills should be great. This question is about a summary of the text. In these questions, you will see part of the summary text. Below this sentence, there are 6 other sentences, only 3 of which are a continuation of the main sentence. The other 3 only explain the margin. For this reason, it is difficult to identify the correct sentences that describe the original text and requires a lot of practice.

5. Reference questions

These questions are very familiar, and you have encountered them in most exams. In reference questions, a sentence is given, and you must find the pronoun reference in the passage and write it as the correct answer. You can pass these questions by practicing. So don’t worry about them.


In this article, we have explained 5 types of questions that you may encounter in the TOEFL reading test. These questions are easy if you practice them a lot and master them. Improving comprehension skills will help you a lot in reading. So, don’t ignore it.

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