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TOEFL Reading Questions Format (2)

An image with an orange background with TOEFL reading questions written on it

In previous articles, we talked about the format of TOEFL Reading Questions and explained 5 of them in detail. As promised, we want to review 5 more to get fully acquainted with these questions and choose the best strategy to answer. So don’t miss this article.

A photo with all types of reading questions written on it

6. Vocabulary

The sixth category is vocabulary questions. An extensive vocabulary in all parts of the TOEFL language test is very important. It shows your high level of language proficiency. A sentence or phrase is given in such questions according to the passages. Then a word is specified in this sentence, and you have to find the correct word in the options according to the meaning and concept of the sentence and enter it in the answer sheet.

7. Fill in the Table questions

The next category is the questions that fill in the Table. These questions are easy, and you can answer them with practice. Usually, a passage information table is given, and some of it has blanks. You need to answer these questions according to before and after the blanks as well as according to the text.

8. Sentence Simplification Questions

These questions can be misleading, and you need to focus on getting the correct answer. In such questions, part of the text is given. Below the text are options that summarize the text. You should be able to identify the correct summary and enter it in the answer sheet. The options may look similar, and you think several options show the correct answer. But only one option is right, and you should be able to find it.

9. Purpose questions

In such questions, as is clear, you must find the purpose of the text. The format of this question is as follows: You are given a phrase or sentence. You have to be very careful and find the purpose of the sentence in the options according to the passage and enter it in the answer sheet. These questions aren’t difficult, but you must practice answering them.

10. Insert text questions

The last category is Insert text questions. These questions give a text that has several blanks. They also give you several options that contain the correct answers. You should try to put the correct sentence in the correct blank according to the text and its understanding. These questions can be seen in most tests, and you are familiar with them.


In this article, we have explained 5 other types of TOEFL reading test questions. Now all you have to do is practice for each question on your own and know all of them so that you can answer each one you saw in the TOEFL Reading test without stress. Thank you for joining us.

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