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Avoid forgetting words and grammar


It has happened to many of you that while learning a language, after a while, you forget the grammars and vocabulary you have learned and consider all your efforts useless. This is a common thing that happens to volunteers, and it bothers them a lot. Mastering the English language and not forgetting its tips is important for any language learner. Because you won’t feel good when you want to say a sentence in English, but you mispronounce the grammar, and you don’t find the right words. In this case, you may be disappointed. But what should you do to avoid forgetting words and grammar? We will guide you in this article.

– Use the text to learn

Putting a list of words in front of you and trying to memorize them is an old method and does not affect learning. You may remember them, but after a while, you will forget them. But let’s use the new method. Instead of memorizing a list of words and grammar, try reading a text and practicing new words and grammar. In this way, you will be familiar with their use in the sentence and remember their meaning. So this method can help you in learning and not forgetting.

– Speak English

Don’t be afraid to speak up. Even if you mispronounce or forget words, don’t stop talking. Because over time you will learn how to speak well. When you speak English, you try to use different and new grammar. This is how you understand their correct use in a sentence, and try using a specific word to advance your speech. In this way, you will never forget the meaning of that word. To talk, you can do this with your partner, or you can talk to yourself.

– Try different methods

You should know your abilities and, according to them, find the method to help you learn the language. But don’t try to use one method. All methods are attractive to you at first. But after a while, it may tire you, and you will no longer be interested in continuing with this method. In this way, you will no longer be productive, and you will not be able to learn like before. To avoid repetition and to create interest, try to try different ways and methods so that you don’t give up.


Forgetting vocabulary and grammar makes many candidates frustrated. So it is very important to find a way to avoid forgetting vocabulary and grammar. Anyone may like a method and achieve results with it. Therefore, one method does not work for everyone. Use any method to strengthen the language and its techniques, and don’t give up until you get the desired result.

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