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Don’t do these things before the IELTS test!

The IELTS test is important, and those who intend to take it have been planning and trying for months and maybe years. But by doing the wrong thing before the test, all their efforts may be wasted, and their score may not be what they want. Here is a list of mistakes you should avoid before taking the test.

Having negative thoughts

Many candidates are fully prepared for the IELTS exam and have worked hard. But they constantly let negative thoughts like (if I can not pass the test) or (I always fail) invade their minds. 

This doesn’t seem right. Because these thoughts only increase your anxiety and stress. Stress causes you to lose focus on the test day and thus don’t get the desired result. So don’t let negative thoughts enter your mind.

Study until the last moment

Maybe you are one of those people who don’t stop studying until a few hours before the start of the test and try to practice again. But you should know that this will not help you. A few days before the start of the IELTS test, try to rest and meditate. Doing so will significantly reduce your stress and anxiety. So you will be able to make the most of your information on test day.

Not sleeping on exam night

Adequate sleep is one of the things that you must observe on exam night. Your brain needs complete rest to be refreshed on exam day and to be able to concentrate and answer questions. Not having enough sleep on exam night will only lead to fatigue, lack of concentration, forgetfulness of previous studies, and as a result, frustration and failure. So be sure to follow these items.

Heavy foods and fast food

Nutrients and healthy foods help your mind to concentrate and use information well. Be sure to avoid heavy meals and fast food on exam night. Because these foods don’t help you and make you unable to sleep comfortably and pay enough attention. Use vegetables, protein, nuts, and fruits instead.


Finally, it is very natural to have stress on exam day. But by following these tips, you can minimize it and make the most of your language knowledge.  We hope this article is helpful.

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