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How to ask for a remark in the IELTS test?

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It may have happened to you that you took the IELTS test, but the score you received is much lower than you expected. In these cases, the question arises, what can you do? Is it possible to remark? Will these requests be fruitful, and may they increase the score? In this article, we will examine this issue.

Is it possible to remark?

The first question for IELTS test participants is whether it is possible to remark? We have to say that we can request for remark after announcing the IELTS test results. In all the world tests, protesting the score is the participant’s right, and there is no obstacle. In addition, you should know that requesting a remark will not reduce your score.

Duration of the remark

When you receive your test result, you must declare your request as soon as possible. Because the re-announcement process takes about three weeks. At this stage, you should also pay attention to the university to which you want to be admitted and make sure that you don’t miss the registration time by protesting the IELTS score.

A boy who is upset and there is a clock above his head

Does the ask for remark cost anything?

We have to say yes, it costs money to remark an IELTS score. This cost depends on the type of test and its price. In some tests, you will have to pay about one-third or even half of the cost of the test to have your score checked again. So make sure it’s worth the request. Or it is better to prepare for the next IELTS test and save the protest fee for the main test.

But also remember that if your request is accepted, all costs will be refunded.

In which skills is there a chance to change the score?

You should know that your chances of changing your score are meager in listening and reading skills. Because in these skills, your answers are summarized in letters and words, and the possibility of mistakes in them is very low. Even if your score is low due to being illegible, this score is still non-refundable. So if you have doubts about this part, it is better not to protest.

Your chances of changing your score are high in writing and speaking skills. In these two skills, your score will be given by the examiner. Different examiners may have different opinions. So if you have a protest and another examiner corrects your test, you may have a half-point increase. But given the cost of the test, you have to be sure of your performance and then protest.

Last point

Finally, don’t forget that you must fill out the relevant form and send it with the report card to the exam organization if you intend to protest. Based on the above points, evaluate whether it is worth protesting the score or if it is better to take your time to practice and take the next test.

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