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How to have ideas for speaking?


Not having an idea is a common problem for candidates who participate in the IELTS exam. You may be unable to focus your thoughts and come up with new and diverse ideas due to a lack of time and stress. Therefore, your speech will be repetitive and will make the examiner tired and bored. So having an idea for speaking is very important. But how to have ideas for speaking? In this article, we will talk to you about the types of memory and how to find different ideas.

Types of memory

As you know, humans have three types of memory, each of which remembers something. These three types of memory include short-term, active, and long-term.

The contents that are stored in our short-term memory are very transient, and we forget them after a short time. For example, when you see an advertising teaser or hear a short story, these are recorded in your short-term memory. Therefore, you will forget them after a short time, and to prevent it, you must have continuity and repetition.

But active memory is a different matter. For example, you may read a story or an article. After a while, you remember the article’s general content, and you know what is talked about. But you may not memorize its sentences. In this case, this article is registered in your active memory.

But long-term memory is the most important, and if you want to succeed in language tests, you must learn the language in such a way that it is stored in your long-term memory. But how should we send the content to long-term memory? The most important way to do this is through practice and repetition. If you read an article or listen to a file or even read a grammar book, you should read and practice it so much that it is stored in your long-term memory.

How does memory help to have ideas?

It is better to use active memory to have ideas. Many candidates read the topics of the speaking test and find specific answers for them. Then they review these answers many times to record them in their long-term memory so that they can give the memorized answers to the examiner on the day of the exam. But the best way is to read the responses and memorize them. Use your active memory to answer on the test day. This way, different ideas about a specific topic will come to your mind.


As a result of this article, we can tell you that the best way to learn a language is to use long-term memory. But for ideas for speaking, the best method is to use active memory. Because this is how you look at the topic of speaking from different angles, and as a result, different answers and ideas will come to your mind.

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