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How to use a dictionary


Dictionary is one of the most important things that you must use. Dictionaries contain all English words and can help you in different situations. In addition, dictionaries write the pronunciation of words along with their meanings. So they are a great source of conversation. When you are talking to someone and are not yet fluent in the language, you can find and use the words you want from the dictionary.

– Choosing the best dictionary

When you start learning a language, you buy a dictionary according to your teacher or your needs. But when you go to a bookstore, you will see many dictionaries from different authors and publications. Now, you are confused and do not know which one to choose. You don’t know which one is better for you and suits your needs.

There are different types of dictionaries. Before shopping, you should determine your purpose for buying a dictionary. If you want to use scientific and specialized dictionaries to write articles or participate in university classes, you must choose specialized dictionaries related to your field. But if you want a dictionary for language class and learning, you can ask the seller to suggest a suitable and non-specialized dictionary according to your language level.

– Read the guide

After you buy the dictionary and want to use it, go to its introduction and guide. The introduction talked about the dictionary and the words, signs, and pronunciation to guide you completely, and you can use it easily. For example, they give a lot of explanations about pronunciation and tell you what each letter was written next to each word and how you should use it and pronounce the words with its help.

– Find the words

After reading the introduction, it is time to use it. Now you are going to use it and find the word you want. But how should you do this? Dictionaries divide their pages according to alphabetical order. First, you see the words that start with the A letter, then the letters B and C. This way, you can easily find the word you want.

last word

In addition to the paper dictionary, there are also digital dictionaries that you can use with your mobile phone. The order of using them is the same as the paper version, and there is no difference. In addition, the advantage it has over the paper version is that it will always be with you.

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