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Think English

think english

Maybe you have come across this saying that the teacher tells you to think in English, so your language will be strong. But what does it mean to think English? How should we think and practice English? This article will tell you how to do this and practice it. So don’t miss this article because you can be sure that it will help you.

How to think in English?

First, we have to explain to you what it means to think in English. That means thinking in English in your daily conversations and life. It may be difficult for you at first, but after a while, it will be easy for you, and you can use it.

1- Say the name of the furniture in English

First, start from your room. Try to learn the names of all the furniture in your room in English. Then learn all the household items and think about them in your mind when you want to use them in English. You can even talk about them in your mind.

2- Create different situations for yourself

You must have heard that if you are in the environment, your language will become strong quickly, and you will be able to speak English after a while. If you can go to English-speaking countries, you will have the opportunity to speak English with everyone. Because you have no choice but to speak English, your language will improve over time. What if someone can’t immigrate? In these cases, you can create an English-speaking environment for yourself. Try to speak English with your friends or partner and think you are in an English-speaking country. This way, you can think in English and improve your language over time.

3- Don’t always use a dictionary

In previous posts, we talked about the dictionary and the importance of using it. But you should not always use it. Because it makes your mind lazy and you cannot think and remember the words after a while. So use it when you need it. Try to think in English more so that you are comfortable using words. So don’t depend on the dictionary and try to use your mind.


Thinking in English helps a lot to strengthen your language. So try to practice this skill and focus on it. Because this allows you to progress in learning and improve your conversations gradually.

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