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What is the PTE exam?

If you are studying a language or are planning to immigrate, you must be familiar with the IELTS and TOEFL tests. But you should know that valid language tests for immigration are not the only two. There are several tests for immigrating to English-speaking countries, and we would like to introduce another one of them in this article. Today we want to talk about the general aspects of the PTE exam. We will tell you what this test is and why you should participate.

Introduction of PTE exam

PTE is an abbreviation of the Pearson Test of English. Australia mainly accepts this exam, and if you intend to immigrate or study in this country, the best exam you can take is PTE. You should know that if you plan to immigrate to America or Canada, the best way is to participate in the TOEFL or IELTS test, and PTE is not suitable for these countries. But for educational immigration, some American and Canadian universities accept this degree, but their number is small.

– PTE exam modules

Like the IELTS exam, the PTE exam has two general and academic modules. As you know, the academic test is suitable for university admission, and the general test is suitable for business or family immigration.

– Time and scoring of PTE exam

This test, like the IELTS test, takes about 3 hours. How to hold it is done by computer and online. You can receive and view your test result by email within 2 to 5 days after completing the test.

Scoring in the PTE exam is done so that your score is calculated from 16 to 96. The lowest score you can get is 16, and the maximum score is 96.

– PTE exam format

This test includes speaking, listening, writing, and reading sections like TOEFL and IELTS. But its format is slightly different. The first part includes writing and speaking, and you have about 93 minutes to answer the questions in this part.

The second part is reading, the duration of which is 40 minutes, and you will be given a 10-minute break. This time is optional, and you can use it.

The third part also includes listening, in which you have 57 minutes to answer all kinds of questions and enter them in the answer sheet.

In the next articles, we will explain more about the sections of this test.

last word

The PTE exam, like other exams, has its difficulties and challenges, and you must be fully prepared for it. But since this exam is held online, you must have excellent typing speed and be familiar with the computer. The best score you can get from this test is at least 65 to be admitted to the universities of your choice.

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