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Why do we forget words while speaking?

forgetting words

Hello, today we want to explain one of the common problems when speaking. All of you must have started to talk sometimes, but during the conversation, you forgot the important words that you need. At this time, you get worried and believe that all the efforts and classes you have attended have been useless. There are different reasons for this problem that may cause this unpleasant experience. In this article, we will examine the reason why we forget words while speaking.

– You just wrote

One of the reasons for forgetting English words when speaking is that you have only learned the language in written form. Maybe you have participated in various courses for years and succeeded in the final exams, but you don’t know much about speaking. You learn the language in class and write it on paper and practice. You review vocabulary and grammar in books and do not use them in reality.

To solve this problem, try to use what you have learned in real life. For example, try to converse in English with yourself or your friends.

– You do not use new words

Some volunteers have been taking language classes for years but have problems with their conversations. They cannot use different words to convey their meaning. The reason is that their vocabulary is small, or they are afraid of using new words. For this reason, they use repeated words in their conversations. As a result, they cannot have a good discussion and forget the words during the conversation. So try to expand your vocabulary.

– You speak fast

Another reason why you forget words is that you speak fast. Some candidates think that they can show their mastery to the examiner by speaking fast. But this doesn’t seem right. You can’t think when you talk fast. As a result, you will lose your concentration while speaking, and you will forget words and sentences.

last words

These are one of the most important reasons for forgetting words. There may be other reasons that you should find out yourself. But you must practice conversation and expand your vocabulary to succeed. Don’t be afraid to use words, and don’t rush when speaking.

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