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You need these documents to register for the IELTS exam!


Hello, if you have been studying the language for months and you intend to participate in the IELTS test, this article is for you. After much hard work and studying, it’s time to register for the IELTS exam, measure your skills, and finally get your degree. But how should we register for this exam? What documents do we need to register for the IELTS exam? Don’t worry; we will explain what you need to do to register.

IELTS exam registration procedures

1. Filling the form: There is a form in which you must write all your details and submit it after filling it.

2. Previous IELTS test results: If you have participated in this test several times, you must send your previous results and other documents.

3. Passport and ID card: To verify your identity, you must scan and send your passport and national ID card

4. Photo: You must have a photo of yourself. This photo must be in color, and the background must be white


– Passport is essential for the IELTS exam, and you must have your passport with you on the day of the exam. In addition, you must scan the first and second pages during registration. Do not forget that your passport must be valid.

– When you want to scan and send your documents, ensure all the documents are correct. The size of documents should be according to the tariff announced on the IDP website. Also, the scans should all be in color and clarity.

– If you don’t have an ID card, you can scan your driver’s license. But try to scan your ID card.

– Don’t use the mobile camera instead of scanning the documents

last word

Finally, prepare your documents in advance, so you don’t get stressed near the exam. Before registering, read the site and start scanning the documents according to its instructions. On the site, you can see all the parameters, such as the size, format, and pixels of the photo.

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