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Fast improvement of listening with this method!


You must have heard that the most important skill in the IELTS test is listening. You may want to take the IELTS exam or even sit and watch various movies and understand them easily. But how can you become a professional in this skill with easy methods and without worrying about spending a lot of time watching English movies? In this article, you will read 3 important ways to improve listening quickly. So stay with us.

1. Improve vocabulary

You must have heard that improving vocabulary is very important in all sections of the IELTS test, especially listening. Yes, vocabulary is one of the most important things you must improve. The higher your vocabulary level, the better your understanding of the IELTS listening test and the easier you can answer the questions.

For this, it is better to use different sources. The best source for improving vocabulary is using various texts that teach you vocabulary. This is the best way to learn vocabulary and is faster than other methods. Having a word list may take a lot of time and not be productive.

2. Transcribe

You may have a good vocabulary but still not understand much while watching the movie and not being able to understand the audio files. Here you have to do other exercises to pass this stage. The second exercise is to transcribe at different speeds. In this transcript, you don’t have to watch a movie, play it back and forth, and write down everything you hear sentence by sentence and word by word. Rather, you are supposed to do this in 3 stages and at different speeds.

Choose a short file for this. For example, select one minute of a video. You can get help from YouTube videos. But disable the subtitle part of the video. Then listen to the video at a lower than normal speed for one round, stop sentence by sentence, and write down everything you hear. Listen to this video a second time at normal speed and do this. The third time, listen to the file faster than normal. This may be difficult for you because of the high speed. But because you have heard this file twice before, you can understand its content.

3. Improve your pronunciation

This final solution can help improve your listening a lot. As you know, a native speaker speaks very naturally in movies and series. In this natural way of speaking, apart from pronouncing the words correctly and with the correct stress, the tone of their speech also has a series of components you may not understand. They stick the words to each other, which is called connected speech. Sometimes two words are combined to cause a letter to be removed or added, and you don’t understand what was said. Therefore, if you work on these principles and rules and gain awareness, it can help you a lot in improving your listening.


These three steps are very effective in improving your listening quickly. You learn a series of rules and regulations by practicing, and you can easily recognize them by listening to audio files. All three of these steps are necessary to improve the skill. At first, you should have a good vocabulary, and then you can easily progress through the other two exercises.

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