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Golden tips for speaking

Golden tips for speaking

Speaking is one of the important skills in the IELTS exam that many candidates are worried about and always think that they might not be able to succeed in it. Speaking is not an easy skill, but with basic exercises and following the important points, you can succeed in it and don’t worry anymore. But you should know that for this, you need to raise your general language level first. You must be at a good level of the language, know various words and completely understand grammar.

So before anything to succeed in speaking, learn the basics of the language. We assume that you are at a good level of general language. So, to be successful in speaking, read these golden tips to get the desired result.

1. Don’t be afraid and be confident

Many candidates lose their self-confidence when they face the examiner and are overwhelmed with anxiety. In this case, efficiency decreases, and the mind cannot process even the examiner’s words. In other words, when you are afraid, your mind is in a defensive mode, and ideas cannot form. So try to sit right in front of the examiner and be confident to show your knowledge to the examiner and get the best result.

2. Increase your vocabulary

In all articles and to improve all IELTS skills, we have told you that the most important and first point is to increase vocabulary. If you have good language and have practiced a lot but don’t know various words, you cannot have a good conversation in front of the examiner. Therefore, the examiner thinks that you don’t have good language knowledge and that your discussions will be repetitive. So, don’t neglect the miracle of knowing a diverse vocabulary so that you can make good sentences.

3. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes

Many candidates try their best to be perfect in the speaking test and not make any mistakes. But this is wrong. You don’t have to focus on this. Remember that even natives can make mistakes in their conversations. 

You don’t need to think for a long time before speaking and stress whether your sentence is wrong or not. This will make you lose focus. Just start talking and don’t be afraid of anything. Your conversations seem natural, even if you were wrong.


Do not forget that the most important thing is to practice before anything else. None of these tips work without practice. So first, practice enough and prepare yourself. In the end, use these tips and remember them so that you can have a great conversation with the examiner on the day of the exam without any problems and get a good grade.

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