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Golden tips of podcasts


Hello. In this blog, we wrote different posts about podcasts and explained their essential points. Podcasts have very informative content and are popular with many language learners. In other words, podcasts are your shortcut to improving your language level. The good advantage of podcasts is that you can play them anywhere and start learning. You must have realized by now how vital podcasts are, and there are many related tips. We have explained here again the information that will help you in listening to podcasts. These tips will help you learn the language while listening to podcasts.

1. Summarize

Summarizing helps you greatly in all skills, and you should not neglect it. They are also very important in podcasts. For this, choose the podcast that suits your language level. Try not to make it too long so that you don’t forget the content and don’t get bored.

After you have listened to the podcast once, open a notebook and write the podcast summary you remember. Finally, write down what content from the podcast helped you and what you learned. Write down the necessary keywords that you remember. This will help a lot in improving your understanding. By doing this, you will gradually learn how to listen to a file and not forget it, as well as understand its content. Summarizing podcasts will help you in the listening test.

2. Read the podcast text

Before listening to the podcast, try to find its full text and put it in front of you. Then start the podcast and read the text aloud at the same time as they speak. Sometimes pause the podcast and even brainstorm and talk about the previous sentences. You can even have an imaginary conversation with the podcast speaker and give his answer.

Play the podcast again and repeat until the end. This will strengthen your conversation, and during the speaking test, you will be able to make sentences without stress and pronounce the words correctly. Also, your memory is strengthened in this way. It may seem a little strange at first, but you can be sure it is very useful.

last word

Again, we say that, do not neglect the miracle of podcasts in the language. You can strengthen all your skills by listening to podcasts and doing different things. You can listen to different podcasts and practice while driving, before bed, or resting. Don’t forget that the podcasts you choose are very important and should match your language level.

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