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How to answer Listening Matching Heading questions?

matching heading questions

Hello, today we want to talk to you about listening skills and one of its question types: matching heading questions. In this article, you will read what these questions are and what are the important strategies to answer them. How much time should you spend and practice for them? So if you are preparing for the IELTS exam, stay with us to solve one of your biggest exam challenges.

What are matching heading questions?

These are among the most frequently asked questions in the listening test, and it is difficult for some candidates to answer them. In such questions, you will be given a list of different topics. According to the text, you should choose one of these headings for each paragraph. But where is the challenge of the question? First of all, you should know that finding titles is not easy. Because the question designer never gives you an easy and specific option, you must have enough skill to find the correct title. In addition, the number of headings is more than the number of paragraphs. No problem so far. But it becomes difficult when you realize that some titles are completely unrelated to the topic.

You should also know that your comprehension skills are evaluated by matching heading questions. Because as you know, each paragraph has a specific and different topic. You should be able to understand this issue and try to find appropriate titles for the text and write them in the answer letter. Understanding different subjects are possible only with a lot of practice.

Strategies for answering matching heading questions

There are countless strategies that each person may have for themselves to answer any question. This article will explain one of the most important and best of them.

Step 1

First, start reading the given titles quickly. Read them once, try to find their key and important words, and underline them. In this way, you will understand the general concept of the title.

Step 2

Start reading one of the paragraphs quickly so you can understand the paragraph’s main topic. Try to read the first sentence more carefully and focus more on it. Because as you know, the paragraph’s main topic is mostly given in the first sentences, and the following sentences only expand them.

Step 3 

At this stage, you have definitely been able to understand the paragraph’s topic. Then it’s time to quickly read the given titles and find the title that fits the paragraph according to the keywords. Then start writing the correct answer on the answer sheet.

Step 4 

After you have done these steps for the first paragraph, go to the next paragraphs and repeat the same steps for them.

last word

Finally, pay attention to these points that after choosing each title, cross it so that you don’t use it for the next paragraphs. Because each title can only be used for one paragraph. Also, don’t forget that the most important thing is to manage your time. You should do all these steps quickly and don’t waste your time.

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