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How to answer multiple choice listening questions?

multiple choice question

Hello. Today we want to talk about one of the types of IELTS listening questions and how to answer them. As we explained to you in the previous articles, IELTS listening consists of several different types of questions. You should know all these questions and answer them in the best way. This article will teach you how to answer IELTS multiple choice questions. In other articles, we review all types of reading questions so that you can easily answer any question. So don’t worry and follow our step by step until success.

Brief explanation about multiple choice questions

As you know, IELTS listening has 4 parts. You can see more listening multiple choice questions in the second and third parts. Also, the number of options for these questions is usually between 3 and 5. Among these options, there is a correct option that you should find according to the text and mark in the answer letter. There are usually 2 types of multiple choice questions. In the first type, you will be given a short question and given 4 options, and you must mark the correct answer. In the second type, a sentence is given that you have to complete with one of the given options.

Important strategies in answering multiple choice questions

1. Find keywords

Keywords will help you answer any type of question in all sections of the IELTS test. So practice it and become a professional in it. Well, let’s see how keywords help us solve multiple choice questions. At first, because the text of the questions and answers are long and you don’t have enough time to read and answer, you don’t need to start reading them all. Look at the question in general and underline the keywords. Then listen carefully to the speaker’s words and if you hear those words, focus on them so that you can find the answer to the question.

2. Don’t be deceived

One of the examiner’s techniques to measure you is to give similar answers to the question. You may hear a text from the speaker that is entirely similar to the question and explains it clearly. You will be happy, and you will think that you have found the correct answer, and you will quickly mark it. This is wrong because you are deceived. The examiners never give you the correct answer easily. So don’t try to answer quickly. When you hear an answer that seems right, note it down and listen to the rest of the conversation. Be sure you will find the correct answer.

3. Don’t waste your time

Your time in listening is short, and there are many questions. So try to manage time. When you read a question, don’t spend too much time on it. Try to look at the questions in general and remember their topic first. Then listen to the text. When a part of the text is familiar to you, find it among the questions and put a faint mark. Then listen carefully to the text and read a complete round of answers. According to the text and the option you marked earlier, enter the correct answer in the answer letter.

last point

In this article, we have provided complete information about multiple choice questions. Now, with a little practice, you can master these types of questions and no longer worry about answering them. Don’t forget that no strategy like practicing and studying a lot will make you successful. In the first step, you should study and then get a good result from the test according to these tips and techniques.

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