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Improve your pronunciation with these tips


Hello. As you know, pronunciation is one of the most important factors in the IELTS speaking test. To succeed in this test and get a good score, you must learn to pronounce the words correctly. In previous articles, we explained that many language learners confuse accent and pronunciation. Knowing the accent at an average level is enough, and you don’t need to speak like a native. But having the correct pronunciation is very important, and you may lose a part of your score because of it. But for many candidates, it isn’t easy to learn and remember the correct pronunciation of each word. This article tried to express solutions to improve learning and correct pronunciation. So stay with us.

1. Don’t speak quickly

Many candidates think that if they speak fast and pronounce words quickly, they will have a correct and beautiful accent like a native. But this is entirely wrong. Speaking slowly has many benefits. At first, you show your mastery of English by speaking slowly. Because you can think while speaking and use words and sentences correctly, this will increase your self-confidence. So know that when you speak fast, the examiner will not believe you have mastery and are a professional in this section. Rather, he may not understand many of your words and end up confused. So speak slowly and focus on pronouncing the words correctly.

2. Have a language partner

Having a partner to learn English is very useful in all sections. It is better if this partner is English speaking. Because you can speak and practice English with your partner daily. When you start speaking, pay attention to the correct pronunciations and try to remember them or even write them down. Then when you want to answer your partner, try to use words you have trouble pronouncing. In this way, you practice and repeat, and you can remember the pronunciations forever.

3. Listening 

Listening is very important in learning. Because it can engrave the words in your mind. For this, find different podcasts that are prepared for language learning. These podcasts speak softly, and you can hear the correct pronunciation of the words and remember them. In addition to podcasts, try listening to English-language radio and news. It may seem a little difficult for you to recognize the words. But with practice and repetition, you can understand them. Also, watching English movies with different accents can help you greatly in this section.

last word

Finally, we must say that there is no trick for this test, and the only way to succeed is to practice a lot. Try to set aside some time daily to practice pronunciation. Even if this period is short, do it to see an excellent result after a while. Thank you for being with us.

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