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Introduction of writing task 2

writing task

Hello. Today we want to talk about writing task 2. As you know, IELTS writing has two tasks. Task 1 is different in both academic and general modules, but task 2 is the same in both modules, and you will be given the same questions. But do you know what questions are given in Task 2 and how you should answer them? In this article, we will discuss Writing Task 2 and answer these questions. So stay with us.


As we said, in writing task 2, the questions in both general and academic modules are the same. In writing task two, you have to write an essay about the topic given in the question. This essay should be about 250 words long, and you should follow the punctuation marks to get the grade you want. Don’t forget that your time to answer these questions is about 40 minutes. This is a good time to answer the writing task 2 questions. But you have to plan for it and don’t waste your time on marginal issues.

Task 2 is one of the most important parts of the IELTS test because it accounts for two-thirds of the total writing score. So you have to practice a lot for that.

Topics of writing task 2

Above, you briefly met Writing Task 2. Maybe you ask yourself what the questions of writing task 2 are, and how can I answer them? In writing task 2, you need to have high general knowledge because you are given a topic and told to write your opinion about this topic. These are scientific topics, and you should use the information you have to advance this article.

By looking at last year’s writings, you can read and practice different topics. But if we want to introduce some topics to you, we must say that your essay should be about one of the following topics:

Environment, job, technology, family issues, political issues, industry,…

You should have reasonable general knowledge about these topics to write a few lines about any given topic.

How to write a good essay

Now that you are familiar with the topics of the questions, you may ask how we can write a good essay. As we said above, you will be given about 40 minutes. You should not waste these 40 minutes. You should have a plan for every minute of it. 

Thinking about your topic for a few minutes before starting anything and writing down its keywords is better. Then brainstorm about them. Take a note about everything you want to write. Then after a while, start writing and expand on all those keywords and notes. Finally, take two minutes to review all of your writing. This way, you can be sure that you have good writing and will get a great score.


In this article, you got to know writing task 2 briefly, and you know what questions you are facing. Now you know how much time you have to answer and how to write. We have explained each of these in detail in other articles, and you can read them.

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