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Is it possible to cross out a word in IELTS writing?


Hello. Today we want to talk about another challenge and problem in IELTS writing and solve another concern of candidates. Many candidates are worried about what to do if they write a wrong word in IELTS, either in task 1 or task 2? Can they cross out the wrong and write the correct word? Can they open parentheses and correct it if they miss a word? Will these actions cause the loss of grades?

We will answer all these questions. So don’t miss this article.

Cross out in writing

It is entirely normal to misspell a word when writing because of high writing speed or stress. Many volunteers get worried and lose their concentration in this situation. We must say that if you misspell a word, keep your cool and don’t worry. You can either delete or cross out the wrong word. But be sure that the wrong word is wholly crossed out and that the examiner doesn’t make a mistake.

Omitting words in writing

Another problem that candidates have is that sometimes they may forget a word while writing their sentence. Sometimes they realize this mistake during the review, and there is practically nothing they can do. In this case, they worry and do not know what to do. In this case, you should not worry and lose your concentration. You can write the word you want by opening a small parenthesis between two words. 

But you must be sure that your text does not get dirty and that the written word is entirely readable. Of course, you should know to avoid these mistakes as much as possible. You can solve this problem by planning before starting writing.

When will you lose a grade?

We said that if you misspell and omit words, you can correct them, but you must do this according to the special rule. Otherwise, you will lose a good score. Finally, you should ensure that your writing is clean, legible, and well-written. If you often cross out words or your entire writing is full of parentheses in which you added missing words, you can be sure your score will decrease. Because this will make your writing illegible, the examiner cannot read your words and sentences and will subtract them from the main text. This will reduce your word count from 250. As a result, you will lose the total score.


As you read, there is nothing problem with adding a word or crossing out a wrong word. You will not lose any scores if it is clean and done according to the rules. But finally, plan before writing, so you don’t make these mistakes.

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