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Planning to language study

language study

Hello. As you know, planning is one of the most important and first things you should do to start learning a language. Without planning, none of your work will have the necessary efficiency, and you may become demotivated and give up the language in the middle of the way. In other words, plan to see its miracles in the language. Some volunteers get help from an expert for planning. But others decide to plan their own life and learn. But planning has its own rules. To have a professional plan that will lead you to success, you must follow a series of regulations and tips to achieve success. Here we will tell you some tips that can help you a lot in planning.

1. Plan based on your goals

Knowing your goals is the most important step to having a basic plan. If you don’t know your goal in studying the language, you can’t have a good plan. First, try to determine your purpose in studying the language. Do you want to study the language to participate in valid exams or for immigration? You may even want to read the language for your interest or to increase your level of knowledge. Each of these is a different number and requires different planning.

2. Consider time in your planning

The next important factor you should pay attention to in planning is time. You should know how much time you need to reach a certain level. For example, you want to be admitted to one of the most prestigious universities in the world next year. Therefore, you should participate in the IELTS test several months before the classes start and get the result you want. So your planning should be such that you reach a good level of language by the time of the IELTS exam. Of course, the planning of someone who wants to participate in international exams differs from someone who studies languages ​​to increase their knowledge. So, after determining the goal, go for the time you need.

3. Set your schedule realistically

After the above step, it is time to write the program. First, your program should be such that all language skills are included in it. Second, your program should be set up in such a way that you can do it all. So try to plan realistically. For example, if you are a student or an employee, you cannot read 8 hours daily. Because you have to take care of your important work. If you write a daily schedule for yourself more than you can, gradually, you will not be able to do them, and you will fall behind. In this way, your focus on the program will be lost, and you will no longer be interested in continuing. So write a plan realistically and according to your living conditions.


Planning is the first step of any work and must be done in principle. For planning, you must go through important steps and write it according to your wishes and the rules of life. Pay attention to the points we have said in this article so you can get the best result at the right time by using a good program. Thank you for being with us.

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