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Speak English to yourself to improve your language

Speak English to yourself

Maybe you have heard that if you start speaking English to yourself, you can improve and learn the language. But is this true? Is this effective? Why do they tell you to do this? The reason is apparent. Because it is a straightforward method, and you can do it anywhere. But to what extent does this work? In the following, we will discuss the impact of speaking English on yourself.

We must say that this work is very effective and has many benefits. What are these benefits, and in which skills does it help us?


1. Increases self-confidence

When you speak English to yourself, your confidence will gradually increase because you do this alone. No one notices your mistakes. Therefore, you are not afraid to make mistakes and do not give up in the middle. No one is embarrassed when talking to himself. So start speaking English to yourself. Do not be afraid and start. You may have many mistakes at first. Try to write down your mistakes and fix them. Use them again at another time and try to get it right this time. In this way, you can gradually speak well, and your confidence in speaking skills will increase.

2. Improves pronunciation

You may not know the pronunciation of some words. Then you searched for the correct pronunciation and found it. But until you have not used it, it will never be registered in your mind. You may even think that you know the correct pronunciation of the words, but when you start speaking, you realize that you are wrong. Here you can talk to yourself out loud. You can even record your voice and listen to it at the end of the conversation. Then write the pronunciations that you think are not correct and look for the correct pronunciation. Use them again in subsequent conversations so that progress is made gradually.


Each method has both advantages and disadvantages. But you need to know if there are more advantages or disadvantages and whether it is right to do this or not.

One of the disadvantages that are important and may have occurred in your mind is: if you make a mistake, who will understand and tell you your mistakes? We must say that it is accurate; you may say a word or a sentence wrongly and not understand it yourself. As we explained above, you can use the voice recording and check it after the conversation is over.

last word

Finally, we must say that this work is very effective. But it is only suitable for practicing. After much practice, when you realize that you have improved, you should socialize and interact with others and evaluate your knowledge with the master or in different courses. Thank you for being with us.

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