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Taking notes in listening is a way to prepare for the exam

Taking notes in listening

Listening is an important and challenging skill and requires a lot of practice and sufficient mastery. Listening is a long audio file, and it is played only once. After playing this file, you must answer the questions that are asked of you. You know that it is difficult to remember all the topics that are played in the audio file, and you may forget many of them. For this purpose, there are different techniques to practice and become professional in this skill, each of which has specific rules. Taking notes is also one of these techniques that can help you a lot on the day of the exam in this section. We will talk to you about this technique in this article.

Important rules for taking notes

1. Don’t write sentences in taking notes

While the audio file is playing, you should try to take notes of important points. Because it is not possible to remember all the important information and details, but don’t write a sentence for this. While the file is playing, try to write important points or keywords that you think are important to your paper. In this way, you will not be left out of the file, and you can use them when answering the questions.

2. You don’t need to take notes in English

When the audio file is playing, you need to take notes quickly. You can write these keywords in your native language if you are comfortable. You don’t need to think and look for special sentences. Remember that taking notes is only for use when answering the question.

3. Coding can help you

Many things may seem important to you. You write them all down, and in the end, you realize that there are too many. In this way, you will get lost, and you will not be able to use any of them easily. To avoid this issue, when you are writing keywords, distinguish the ones you think are more important with an asterisk or a tick mark.

4. Write regularly

Being disciplined in taking notes does not mean spending a lot of time on it. But write down the contents in such a way that after finishing the file, when you want to answer the questions, you will understand what you have written. If you write too much and sloppy, you will be confused, and you may not be able to use them. For this, you can use numbers.


Be sure to practice taking notes because it will help you a lot. Don’t forget that this section’s speed of action is very important. Because when you listen to the audio file, you have to think and write notes at the same time. Have a lot of practice for this. Because you don’t know what is the speaker’s accent and the speed of the audio file.

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