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TOEFL test stress

test stress

Hello. Stress is always an integral part of all tests. But in the TOEFL test, more people get stressed and find it challenging to succeed. Many things cause stress in the TOEFL test. For example, some students are constantly stressed because of the need to get a score, especially from the TOEFL test. Or may be you don’t sleep well on the night of the exam after you have prepared for the exam for months. This makes you lose your concentration and get stressed on the day of the exam. In this article, we explain the points that, by following them, you can remove the stress of the TOEFL exam to a large extent. So stay with us.

1. Participate in mock tests

Participating in mock tests is one of the best ways to take internationally recognized tests such as IELTS and TOEFL. Today, many reputable institutions conduct these exams weekly with very high quality. Also, the examiners of these exams are experts and professionals, and the conditions of mock exams are no different from the main exam. For this reason, when you participate in mock exams, you get to know the exam environment, conditions, and questions, which makes you not stressed on the day of the exam. You can also practice time management by participating in mock exams so that your time is not wasted on the main exam.

2. Take notes during the test

All 4 TOEFL skills are held in one day and are interdependent. You should know that the audio files you hear in different test parts are played only once, and you cannot repeat them. Also, after finishing playing them, you have a little time, and you have to start answering immediately. In order not to forget the topic, start taking notes while playing the audio file and write down all the keywords and important issues. This way, after finishing the file, you will not forget the main topic and know what to talk about or answer the questions. To become proficient in this, be sure to listen to different files at different speeds at home and start taking notes.

3. Practice daily

One of the most important things you need to do to succeed in the TOEFL exam and reduce stress is the continuous study and lots of practice. The TOEFL exam is very difficult, and it is not possible to succeed and get the desired score in it without practicing and not being prepared. If you are not prepared and do not know the different sections of the TOEFL, you will not be able to concentrate on the test day. As a result, you lose your self-confidence and get stressed. So try to practice daily. Even if the duration of your training is short, there is nothing wrong with it. But if you don’t practice every day, you will face problems. So don’t forget the exercises.

last word

This article explains three of the most important ways to control stress in the TOEFL exam. You should know that this exam is very important and decisive and you must be at a high level of language to succeed. So practice and participate in mock tests to get the best result and get closer to your goal.

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