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Types of learning English

learning English

Maybe this article is interesting to you, how our mind learns lessons and with what tricks these things stay in our mind more. Do you know how many types of learning there are and which one is better? We must say that there are two types of learning English: Conscious learning and Unconscious learning. In the following, we will discuss these two types of learning and examine them in speaking and listening skills.

Explaining the types of learning and their effects

Conscious learning

Conscious learning is like when you study in school or start learning grammar and memorizing vocabulary. In this type of learning, you decide to learn a specific subject.

Unconscious learning

Unconscious learning happens when you suddenly listen to a conversation between two English speakers. Here your ear will be familiar with different words and sentences. Learning the native language of people in childhood is considered unconscious learning.

Effects of learning

Conscious learning requires thinking, and you must spend time practicing it. For example, when you go to a language class, they teach you grammar. When you want to speak and make a sentence, you should think about which word and verb to use in this sentence. This is called Explicit knowledge.

When you learn something unconsciously, you have Implicit Knowledge. This knowledge does not require thinking. For example, when you are taught to speak as a child, you don’t think about words, grammar, or idioms. Instead, you accept it and use it. This type of learning is very effective in English. Because it stays in your mind more and you don’t need frequent exercises.

Learning in listening

Now let’s examine unconscious and conscious learning in listening and see which is better. The best way to improve listening skills is to use unconscious knowledge. You have to act like a child in this matter. First, just start listening. Play different audio files and listen to them while driving, exercising, or even before going to sleep. After some time, you learn these sentences and words unconsciously, and you can use them during conversation and even other skills.

Learning in speaking

In speaking skills, it is better to use both methods. For example, you can listen to the audio files first and start learning the sentences unconsciously. Then use conscious learning to master this task. Start speaking, and when you say a sentence wrongly or want to use a new verb, refer to your grammar book and learn it. This way, you can master this skill in less time.

last word

As you read, there are two types of learning in the human mind, and for the English language, it is better to focus on both of them and practice them. In this way, you can improve all 4 of your skills and make significant progress. But don’t forget that learning unconsciously can be very effective. So don’t neglect it.

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