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Unforgivable mistakes in the IELTS test

mistakes in the IELTS test

Hello. Today we want to talk about the IELTS test and its unforgivable mistakes. As you know, language is an essential factor for immigration, and IELTS is the best option for immigration applicants among language tests. But you must be prepared for this test and avoid mistakes as much as possible. You may not have enough time. Or even fully prepare yourself for the exam. But by making a series of mistakes, you will waste all your efforts. But how do you know these mistakes and how to avoid them? In the following, we explain several unforgivable mistakes in the IELTS exam that will lower your exam score.

1. Not specifying the test time

One of the most critical mistakes of language learners is not setting a specific schedule to participate in the exam. You must know when to take the test and set a specific time for it, Because you may have a particular time frame for immigration and admission to your favorite university. 

Therefore, you should specify your plans according to your migration time. The best time to set the exam date is 3-4 months before. Because at this time, you have time to practice and retake the test if you don’t get the desired score in the test.

2. Not paying attention to the exam format

The second thing that many language learners do not pay attention to, and this is considered an unforgivable mistake, is not paying attention to the format of the test. To succeed in IELTS, you must have an acceptable level of English, but high knowledge of the language is not enough without familiarity with the format, skills, and techniques required for the IELTS test. 

You must be familiar with the general IELTS test and know the format of all sections and questions. This way, on the test day, you know what questions you will face and how you should answer them.

3. Focusing too much on techniques

In addition to high knowledge of the language, you must also know some techniques to get an acceptable score in the exam. But be careful not to focus too much on these techniques. Some language learners get more involved in IELTS techniques without trying to improve their general level of English. This is very wrong. Because you must know both of these together, techniques are effective along with your high language knowledge. Otherwise, it will not affect your success and grade.

4. Focusing too much on memorizing vocabulary

As you know, vocabulary is very important. Your vocabulary must be vast to succeed in all sections of the IELTS test. But you should know that everything in the IELTS test is not just words. Some language learners think that they will get a great result in the test just by memorizing the meaning of a large number of words. But you should know that in addition to memorizing vocabulary, you should also know the ability to understand, recognize, and use each word in a sentence. You should also know how the vocabulary you memorized is useful to you and you can use them and get your desired score.

5. Practice accent instead of pronunciation

Many volunteers in the speaking section are always confused about whether accent or pronunciation is important. You should know that both are important, but you don’t need to have a perfect accent like a native. Having a good English accent is enough for the examiner. Pronunciation is much more important than accent. Pronouncing words and phrases correctly, using appropriate words, and expressing grammatically correct sentences are enough to get a good grade.


In this article, you read 5 of the most serious unforgivable mistakes in the IELTS test. You must follow all these points. Because if you make any of these mistakes, all your efforts may be wasted, and you won’t be able to get the desired result. Try to follow these tips while studying for IELTS.

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