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How to score 9.0 on the IELTS Reading?

A happy blonde student is standing in a library and holding notebooks.

IELTS Reading, mark 9, is feasible to achieve!

The idea that it’s difficult for non-native English speakers to pass the test has been expressed in many test-takers comments. “Scoring 9.0 on the IELTS Reading is particularly challenging for people whose first language is not English,” they claim. They cannot possess such a broad vocabulary. Naturally, there will be some unfamiliar terms on the IELTS Reading Test. But don’t be alarmed — it’s pretty normal!

IELTS Reading’s primary objective is to gauge your comprehension of what you have read. Therefore, even if you don’t know the meaning of some phrases, you may still guess their meaning and receive a 9!

It’s absurd that most test-takers score poorly not because they lack information but because they make elementary errors!

This is why we’ve included 9 IELTS Reading suggestions in this article that will assist you in achieving a good score:

1. Quickly scan over and look for the answers

Looking solely for the essential points is referred to as “skimming.” You don’t have to read every word carefully. Keep in mind that all you need to do is respond to the questions. So scan the material briefly before beginning your search for solutions.

2. Watch your time

Remember, you have only 60 minutes to read three texts and answer 40 questions. You won’t get additional time to fill out your answer sheet, so make sure to manage your time correctly.

3. Is your spelling correct?

Check your spelling before writing your answer on the answer blank. You will get zero points for the answer if it’s misspelled.

4. Keep the order

Remember that the questions follow the order of the text in most cases. So the answer to question 5 will come after the answer to question 4, and so on.

A couple of students are studying in a library.

5. Underline!

The most crucial phrases should be highlighted as you quickly scan the text. You’ll be able to save some time when looking for solutions.

6. Unknown vocabulary? I understand

If the text looks strange to you or there are words you don’t understand, don’t be concerned. You don’t need any more information to succeed because every solution is in the book.

Observe the little details. Go through the text in detail. Any distinctive elements, such as boldface, italics, figures, graphs, and tables, are likely to be significant.

7. No empty boxes

Even if you are still determining your response, answer every question. Try your luck and submit the most likely response, as there is no penalty for incorrect replies.

8. Mark off the incorrect responses

Cross out any answers you are sure are incorrect. You’ll avoid confusion and save time with this method.

9. Select your own method

There is no one strategy that works for everyone, which may seem unusual at first. You should decide how to look for the proper solutions and whether to read a question or a text first. Many qualified applicants choose to read the content first before answering the questions. But some contend that going the opposite route is preferable. Try out several IELTS Reading practice questions to see which approach works best for you.

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