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The Best 11 ideas to boost your IELTS reading score

A pleased woman is reading a book.

You should read this blog article if you intend to take the IELTS. We’ll provide some helpful advice for improving your IELTS Reading exam score.

11 IELTS reading strategies are provided in this post to help you raise your score:

1. It’s paraphrased all the time

The most crucial reading advice for the IELTS is this:

It is usually paraphrased, and the text can let you know if your response is entirely correct.

It implies that there is ALWAYS a paraphrased passage in the text that states the same thing for ANY correct response that a paraphrased passage must select from the selections.

2. Skim

You can only pass the IELTS test if you read in your typical leisurely, unhurried manner. Be able to scan and skim. These reading methods allow you to skim content using keywords and quick eye movements.

Here is a summary:

To understand the topic of the text, carefully read the opening paragraph.

Please pay close attention to the opening few sentences of each paragraph since they will reveal the text’s core topic. Always pay close attention to the last paragraph because it usually summarizes.

3. Scan

Rapid reading is called scanning, and it is done to locate specific data.

Dates, names, figures, and unfamiliar phrases will frequently be part of the questions in the IELTS reading exam that you must respond to.

It’s crucial to move quickly, concentrate, and be awake. You cannot let yourself move slowly and unhurriedly.

The passage for your test should only be skimmed in no more than three minutes.

4. Put the ideas first and the words second

Reread it, and then rephrase it using your own words.

What you just read should be explained to yourself.

This quick analysis enables you to pay attention to the ideas and the message rather than the words being said to you.

This is significant since the answer you’re seeking has undoubtedly also been rephrased.

5. Test several exam techniques before selecting a winner

The reading exam study guide is available on every website, from tutors to previous students.

Try these tactics, but keep track of which are most effective.

Some students discover that the ideal approach is to read the questions first, followed by the text. Some pupils act in total opposition to this.

Try both approaches on several practice examinations; the method that earns you the most points is the winner.

6. Don’t be alarmed by unfamiliar terms

Try to scan the area for the new word. You can infer from the sentence’s content whether it refers to a person or a job, an animal or a characteristic.

Prefixes can be helpful; for example, un- signifies to cancel an activity, re- means to repeat it, or -wise means to refer to it.

Grammar will also be helpful since, if it comes before a noun, it may explain what this noun is like. Don’t panic if neither of these solutions works. Answer the following question first, then go back to the initially puzzling section.

7. Don’t fail to respond to any inquiries in the IELTS reading section

Always respond to all boxes. When there is no more time, make an educated estimate and write something.

Why? For erroneous responses, there won’t be any consequences. You will receive no points if you leave the cell on your response sheet empty.

But what if you’re fortunate and can guess it? You will have at least one additional point that might move your reading exam band from 6.5 to 7.0.

An amazed man is holding and reading a book.

8. Quicken your reading pace

It would be best if you increased your reading speed in your exam preparation.

Here’s a quick approach to accelerating your reading.

Instead of skipping from one word to the next, widen your reading focus to three words simultaneously. Attempt to increase the number of words in each glance to five.

To accelerate, use a pointer. Every third word will have the pointer appear. You will move through the text more quickly and advance more rapidly.

Ensure that understanding is not compromised in favor of speed. It’s effortless to read an article quickly and remember nothing afterward.

9. Plan your reading time to increase concentration

Thirty minutes is an excellent place to start. Set a timer and read for that amount of time.

Set aside a time and place for reading. Working from home with your phone in airplane mode and headphones on will significantly improve your concentration at the train station instead of a book.

10. Improve understanding of text

As helpful as all of the IELTS reading advice is for raising your IELTS score, practice is still one of the most crucial elements of the IELTS reading test. You may take various online IELTS practice tests to aid in your preparation.

11. Engaged reading

This advice is more relevant to pupils taking an exam on paper. Actively make notes on your test paper as you read. Any keywords or phrases in the text that clarify a paragraph or summarize its context should be underlined.

Mark important pieces with an asterisk in the margin and highlight keywords.

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