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9 Common Mistakes TOEFL Test Takers Make and How to Fix Them

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The TOEFL exam is a little challenging, and while studying until the test, it is simple to make mistakes. Let’s look at some common mistakes TOEFL test takers make so you may learn how to study as efficiently as possible.

Common errors made by test takers on the TOEFL

1. Excessive anxiety before the test

Humans often experience some anxiety before an exam. Don’t allow your stress to get the better of you, though. Overwhelming tension might hinder your performance. You should calm down if you are experiencing panic episodes, diarrhea, persistent pain, or numbness. Plan your study, take appropriate pauses, and eat meals on schedule. Try to complete your TOEFL exam preparation at least a day in advance. Give yourself at least one day to unwind or engage in leisurely pursuits.

2. Not having sufficient familiarity with the TOEFL Exam format

Knowing the test structure should be your next step after signing up for the TOEFL exam. There are how many sections? How many points does each module receive? How long will it take to finish each section? One of the things test-takers miss out on and get wrong is this. The four components of the TOEFL are the Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing portions. You should be aware that the TOEFL is a four-and-a-half-hour exam.

3. Using unfamiliar terminology or challenging grammar

For the TOEFL exam, students should work on their grammar and vocabulary. However, many test-takers employ unfamiliar terminology or complicated grammatical structures, which is absurd. The examiners evaluate a candidate’s ability to speak and think clearly and eloquently. So, utilize language and grammar that you are comfortable with. Similar to how a native speaker can, you should naturally be able to express your views and thoughts. Quite naturally. Spend effort arranging your material rather than employing obscure jargon and poor language.

4. Inadequate participation in practice exams

Practice exams are the cornerstone of TOEFL test preparation. By taking practice exams, you may easily understand the format and questions for each section. Several free practice exam papers are available online. So utilize them and work hard in your practice. You may overcome common mistakes in the TOEFL test by taking practice exams.

5. Forgetting the registration data

You will be required to present a legitimate form of identification when you arrive at a testing facility. Make careful to keep in mind your registration number, which is the name you used to register for the TOEFL.

6. Failing to take notes

As you prepare for the TOEFL, practice taking notes swiftly throughout the reading or listening part. To make the test more manageable for you and enable you to respond to questions correctly. All portions need quickness, but the listening segment is in particular. You will need to take notes fast due to time constraints.

7. Losing focus during the exam

Do not give up or become stressed if a mistake is made in one part. Start the following portion without tension and with calmness. Be mindful of the errors you made in the previous section, and be sure not to repeat them.

8. Examining each word of the paragraph in detail

You must keep in mind that the TOEFL is a timed test. Therefore, there are no points awarded for reading the entire chapter out, word for word, as if it were a novel or fiction. It is one of the most common mistakes in the TOEFL test. Consequently, you only need to scan and skim the provided information to obtain a sense of the subject. 

Some several phrases and details could be more transparent. Exploring a word’s definition irrelevant to the queries wastes time.

9. Allowing distractions to interfere with your focus

Avoid becoming sidetracked by test-takers. Just concentrate on your test. Additionally, arrive at the examination location at least 30 minutes before the exam starts.

Therefore, before entering the examination facility, double-check that you understand the TOEFL structure entirely. Create sound strategies for each question you may utilize on the original TOEFL and all practice tests. The most unique approach to prevent typical TOEFL blunders is to feel confident and ready for anything on test day. 

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