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A girl in a red dress who is upset about making a mistake

Common mistakes in the IELTS test

Hello. This article aims to talk about the Common IELTS test mistakes. These thoughts may apply to anyone who intends to take the IELTS test, even professional participants. But these mistakes can affect the candidates' scores and cause frustration and…

A blackboard with the word grammar written on it

The grammar importance in the IELTS test

Hello. In this article, we want to talk to you about the critical role of grammar in the IELTS test. Grammar is the basis of any language. For this reason, to learn the basics of a language, we must first…

A photo with an orange background in which the word TOEFL is written

Everything about the TOEFL test

TOEFL is one of the most valid English language tests. To immigrate to English-speaking countries, you must obtain this degree. But what are the parts of this test, and what skills do we need to know to succeed? In the…

An image with an orange background showing the collection time

What is collocation, and why should we use it?

You may have heard the word collocation in the English language. But wondered what it means? What is its effect on learning English, and why do most high-level learners use it? In this article, we will give you a complete…

A man conducting a speaking interview and upset about the failure

Don’t be afraid of speaking part 2!

When it comes to speaking, many learners experience stress and remember the hardships and challenges of Part 2. For many learners, the second part is the most difficult speaking part. Because in the second part, you don't know what question…

A headphone and a podcast playback

Why is listening to podcasts important?

Listening is one of the IELTS test skills which requires a lot of practice. This is one of the most critical parts of both IELTS and TOEFL tests, in which the candidate's listening, comprehension, and analytical ability are measured. There…

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