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language level detection

English language level detection

It is important to know your level to start learning a language or even to prepare for the IELTS test. Because you need to know what stage you are at and where to start. If you are a beginner or…

advanced level

Benefits of an advanced level in English

In previous articles, we talked about the importance of English and why we should learn this language. We also said that even if you don't intend to immigrate, start learning English for your knowledge. Today we want to talk about…

learning English

Types of learning English

Maybe this article is interesting to you, how our mind learns lessons and with what tricks these things stay in our mind more. Do you know how many types of learning there are and which one is better? We must…


Avoid forgetting words and grammar

It has happened to many of you that while learning a language, after a while, you forget the grammars and vocabulary you have learned and consider all your efforts useless. This is a common thing that happens to volunteers, and…


How to have ideas for speaking?

Not having an idea is a common problem for candidates who participate in the IELTS exam. You may be unable to focus your thoughts and come up with new and diverse ideas due to a lack of time and stress.…


Which one to learn first; Grammar or words?

Hello. Today we want to talk to you about learning vocabulary and grammar. Many language learners are constantly faced with the question of which one to learn first; Grammar or words? This question is because most language institutes teach grammar…

forgetting words

Why do we forget words while speaking?

Hello, today we want to explain one of the common problems when speaking. All of you must have started to talk sometimes, but during the conversation, you forgot the important words that you need. At this time, you get worried…

Frequently question

Frequently asked questions of language learners

Many volunteers who want to learn English or other languages ask us various common questions. In this article, we tried to write the most frequently asked questions and answer them. So stay with us because maybe these are your questions…

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