Speaking - Mock Exam Lab /category/toefl/speaking-toefl/ IELTS practice test, reading, writing, listening, speaking. Tips for scoring 7 and above. Mon, 19 Sep 2022 15:17:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /wp-content/uploads/2022/09/cropped-cropped-logo-512x512-1-1-32x32.png Speaking - Mock Exam Lab /category/toefl/speaking-toefl/ 32 32 TOEFL test stress /2022/10/toefl-test-stress/ Thu, 13 Oct 2022 11:00:00 +0000 /?p=747 Hello. Stress is always an integral part of all tests. But in the TOEFL test, more people get stressed and find it challenging to succeed. Many things cause stress in the TOEFL test. For example, some students are constantly stressed because of the need to get a score, especially from the TOEFL test. Or may…

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Hello. Stress is always an integral part of all tests. But in the TOEFL test, more people get stressed and find it challenging to succeed. Many things cause stress in the TOEFL test. For example, some students are constantly stressed because of the need to get a score, especially from the TOEFL test. Or may be you don’t sleep well on the night of the exam after you have prepared for the exam for months. This makes you lose your concentration and get stressed on the day of the exam. In this article, we explain the points that, by following them, you can remove the stress of the TOEFL exam to a large extent. So stay with us.

1. Participate in mock tests

Participating in mock tests is one of the best ways to take internationally recognized tests such as IELTS and TOEFL. Today, many reputable institutions conduct these exams weekly with very high quality. Also, the examiners of these exams are experts and professionals, and the conditions of mock exams are no different from the main exam. For this reason, when you participate in mock exams, you get to know the exam environment, conditions, and questions, which makes you not stressed on the day of the exam. You can also practice time management by participating in mock exams so that your time is not wasted on the main exam.

2. Take notes during the test

All 4 TOEFL skills are held in one day and are interdependent. You should know that the audio files you hear in different test parts are played only once, and you cannot repeat them. Also, after finishing playing them, you have a little time, and you have to start answering immediately. In order not to forget the topic, start taking notes while playing the audio file and write down all the keywords and important issues. This way, after finishing the file, you will not forget the main topic and know what to talk about or answer the questions. To become proficient in this, be sure to listen to different files at different speeds at home and start taking notes.

3. Practice daily

One of the most important things you need to do to succeed in the TOEFL exam and reduce stress is the continuous study and lots of practice. The TOEFL exam is very difficult, and it is not possible to succeed and get the desired score in it without practicing and not being prepared. If you are not prepared and do not know the different sections of the TOEFL, you will not be able to concentrate on the test day. As a result, you lose your self-confidence and get stressed. So try to practice daily. Even if the duration of your training is short, there is nothing wrong with it. But if you don’t practice every day, you will face problems. So don’t forget the exercises.

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This article explains three of the most important ways to control stress in the TOEFL exam. You should know that this exam is very important and decisive and you must be at a high level of language to succeed. So practice and participate in mock tests to get the best result and get closer to your goal.

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Ways to improve skills in English /2022/10/ways-to-improve-skills-in-english/ Mon, 10 Oct 2022 11:00:00 +0000 /?p=753 Learning English is very difficult for many candidates. This work requires motivation, and you must be persistent. But some ways make learning a language more enjoyable and learning skills easier. However, there are many different ways, and not everything works for everyone.  Everyone should choose the appropriate method according to their mood and life. But…

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Learning English is very difficult for many candidates. This work requires motivation, and you must be persistent. But some ways make learning a language more enjoyable and learning skills easier. However, there are many different ways, and not everything works for everyone. 

Everyone should choose the appropriate method according to their mood and life. But below, we have explained some of the ways that are popular among language learners. Read these ways to improve skills and try, maybe this time you will be interested in reading, and your English skills will improve.

1. Create an English-speaking environment for yourself

Surely you have heard, or maybe you have experienced, that people can learn it better and more easily in an environment where everyone speaks the same language. For those who want to take the IELTS exam and immigrate to English-speaking countries, this is a very difficult task. But there is a way to create an English-speaking environment around you. 

How can this be done? You can always play the sound of different conversations in your room, try to understand their words, and even answer them. Imagine that you are standing next to them and you have no choice but to speak in English. Another way is to do all your work in English when you wake up in the morning. As if you have no choice but to speak English. You can even read daily news in English and analyze them.

2. Create motivation and goals for yourself

Having a goal always gives direction to people’s lives. It makes you motivated to reach them. Try to have both short-term and long-term goals. Write a long-term goal and set small goals to achieve it. Then, after attaining each of the small goals and conquering the summit of success, create motivation for yourself. This motivation can be buying your favorite device. Or you can invite yourself to visit a friend. This is how you try to reach your goals sooner. After a while, you will get used to this, and you will start to read the language regardless of the gift.


As we said, there are infinite ways to learn a language; you can choose whichever one is right for you. We will tell you more methods in the following articles. But most importantly, you must have continuity and repetition. Don’t stop reading and keep trying. This is how you can achieve success.

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Improve your pronunciation with these tips /2022/10/improve-your-pronunciation-with-these-tips/ Sun, 09 Oct 2022 11:00:00 +0000 /?p=737 Hello. As you know, pronunciation is one of the most important factors in the IELTS speaking test. To succeed in this test and get a good score, you must learn to pronounce the words correctly. In previous articles, we explained that many language learners confuse accent and pronunciation. Knowing the accent at an average level…

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Hello. As you know, pronunciation is one of the most important factors in the IELTS speaking test. To succeed in this test and get a good score, you must learn to pronounce the words correctly. In previous articles, we explained that many language learners confuse accent and pronunciation. Knowing the accent at an average level is enough, and you don’t need to speak like a native. But having the correct pronunciation is very important, and you may lose a part of your score because of it. But for many candidates, it isn’t easy to learn and remember the correct pronunciation of each word. This article tried to express solutions to improve learning and correct pronunciation. So stay with us.

1. Don’t speak quickly

Many candidates think that if they speak fast and pronounce words quickly, they will have a correct and beautiful accent like a native. But this is entirely wrong. Speaking slowly has many benefits. At first, you show your mastery of English by speaking slowly. Because you can think while speaking and use words and sentences correctly, this will increase your self-confidence. So know that when you speak fast, the examiner will not believe you have mastery and are a professional in this section. Rather, he may not understand many of your words and end up confused. So speak slowly and focus on pronouncing the words correctly.

2. Have a language partner

Having a partner to learn English is very useful in all sections. It is better if this partner is English speaking. Because you can speak and practice English with your partner daily. When you start speaking, pay attention to the correct pronunciations and try to remember them or even write them down. Then when you want to answer your partner, try to use words you have trouble pronouncing. In this way, you practice and repeat, and you can remember the pronunciations forever.

3. Listening 

Listening is very important in learning. Because it can engrave the words in your mind. For this, find different podcasts that are prepared for language learning. These podcasts speak softly, and you can hear the correct pronunciation of the words and remember them. In addition to podcasts, try listening to English-language radio and news. It may seem a little difficult for you to recognize the words. But with practice and repetition, you can understand them. Also, watching English movies with different accents can help you greatly in this section.

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Finally, we must say that there is no trick for this test, and the only way to succeed is to practice a lot. Try to set aside some time daily to practice pronunciation. Even if this period is short, do it to see an excellent result after a while. Thank you for being with us.

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Speak English to yourself to improve your language /2022/10/speak-english-to-yourself-to-improve-your-language/ Sat, 08 Oct 2022 11:00:00 +0000 /?p=755 Maybe you have heard that if you start speaking English to yourself, you can improve and learn the language. But is this true? Is this effective? Why do they tell you to do this? The reason is apparent. Because it is a straightforward method, and you can do it anywhere. But to what extent does…

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Maybe you have heard that if you start speaking English to yourself, you can improve and learn the language. But is this true? Is this effective? Why do they tell you to do this? The reason is apparent. Because it is a straightforward method, and you can do it anywhere. But to what extent does this work? In the following, we will discuss the impact of speaking English on yourself.

We must say that this work is very effective and has many benefits. What are these benefits, and in which skills does it help us?


1. Increases self-confidence

When you speak English to yourself, your confidence will gradually increase because you do this alone. No one notices your mistakes. Therefore, you are not afraid to make mistakes and do not give up in the middle. No one is embarrassed when talking to himself. So start speaking English to yourself. Do not be afraid and start. You may have many mistakes at first. Try to write down your mistakes and fix them. Use them again at another time and try to get it right this time. In this way, you can gradually speak well, and your confidence in speaking skills will increase.

2. Improves pronunciation

You may not know the pronunciation of some words. Then you searched for the correct pronunciation and found it. But until you have not used it, it will never be registered in your mind. You may even think that you know the correct pronunciation of the words, but when you start speaking, you realize that you are wrong. Here you can talk to yourself out loud. You can even record your voice and listen to it at the end of the conversation. Then write the pronunciations that you think are not correct and look for the correct pronunciation. Use them again in subsequent conversations so that progress is made gradually.


Each method has both advantages and disadvantages. But you need to know if there are more advantages or disadvantages and whether it is right to do this or not.

One of the disadvantages that are important and may have occurred in your mind is: if you make a mistake, who will understand and tell you your mistakes? We must say that it is accurate; you may say a word or a sentence wrongly and not understand it yourself. As we explained above, you can use the voice recording and check it after the conversation is over.

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Finally, we must say that this work is very effective. But it is only suitable for practicing. After much practice, when you realize that you have improved, you should socialize and interact with others and evaluate your knowledge with the master or in different courses. Thank you for being with us.

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How to have ideas for speaking? /2022/09/how-to-have-ideas-for-speaking/ Thu, 29 Sep 2022 11:00:00 +0000 /?p=771 Not having an idea is a common problem for candidates who participate in the IELTS exam. You may be unable to focus your thoughts and come up with new and diverse ideas due to a lack of time and stress. Therefore, your speech will be repetitive and will make the examiner tired and bored. So…

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Not having an idea is a common problem for candidates who participate in the IELTS exam. You may be unable to focus your thoughts and come up with new and diverse ideas due to a lack of time and stress. Therefore, your speech will be repetitive and will make the examiner tired and bored. So having an idea for speaking is very important. But how to have ideas for speaking? In this article, we will talk to you about the types of memory and how to find different ideas.

Types of memory

As you know, humans have three types of memory, each of which remembers something. These three types of memory include short-term, active, and long-term.

The contents that are stored in our short-term memory are very transient, and we forget them after a short time. For example, when you see an advertising teaser or hear a short story, these are recorded in your short-term memory. Therefore, you will forget them after a short time, and to prevent it, you must have continuity and repetition.

But active memory is a different matter. For example, you may read a story or an article. After a while, you remember the article’s general content, and you know what is talked about. But you may not memorize its sentences. In this case, this article is registered in your active memory.

But long-term memory is the most important, and if you want to succeed in language tests, you must learn the language in such a way that it is stored in your long-term memory. But how should we send the content to long-term memory? The most important way to do this is through practice and repetition. If you read an article or listen to a file or even read a grammar book, you should read and practice it so much that it is stored in your long-term memory.

How does memory help to have ideas?

It is better to use active memory to have ideas. Many candidates read the topics of the speaking test and find specific answers for them. Then they review these answers many times to record them in their long-term memory so that they can give the memorized answers to the examiner on the day of the exam. But the best way is to read the responses and memorize them. Use your active memory to answer on the test day. This way, different ideas about a specific topic will come to your mind.


As a result of this article, we can tell you that the best way to learn a language is to use long-term memory. But for ideas for speaking, the best method is to use active memory. Because this is how you look at the topic of speaking from different angles, and as a result, different answers and ideas will come to your mind.

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Benefits of TOEFL /2022/09/benefits-of-toefl/ Thu, 22 Sep 2022 11:00:00 +0000 /?p=787 Hello. In previous posts, we talked about the IELTS exam and the benefits of having an IELTS certificate. But today’s post is about the benefits of TOEFL. In the previous posts, we explained the difference between TOEFL and IELTS and which one you should choose. This article is only about what we can do if…

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Hello. In previous posts, we talked about the IELTS exam and the benefits of having an IELTS certificate. But today’s post is about the benefits of TOEFL. In the previous posts, we explained the difference between TOEFL and IELTS and which one you should choose. This article is only about what we can do if we have a TOEFL certificate and why we should have this certificate. So stay with us.

Study in European countries

Europe has very good and prestigious universities that are valuable for every person to study in them. To enter these universities, you must have high knowledge and information to be on the same level as other intelligent people and be able to study. But it is more important for any university that their student needs to know the English language skillfully. Your language must be strong and good to talk with the best professors in the world. You must participate in the TOEFL exams and get an acceptable score for the destination university. Therefore, the first condition for studying in European universities is to have a TOEFL certificate.

Job promotion

If you work in prestigious countries and high-ranking companies, your English language level must be high. Now you may improve after some time and want to be employed in better companies or higher positions. For this, having an excellent score in the TOEFL exam should be part of your resume. Because the primary condition for your acceptance into these companies is a good language and a TOEFL certificate. So know that you have to participate in this exam and get its certificate for a job promotion.

Living in European countries

You may not want to study and just want to live in European countries with your family. For your request to be accepted by the destination country, you must take the TOEFL exam and have high scores. This is how you show the destination country that your language is good and you can easily live there.


Having English qualifications such as IELTS and TOEFL is always useful. So try to improve your language. Also, if you plan to immigrate, research which degree is better for the destination country: TOEFL or IELTS.

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Introducing the TOEFL Integrated section /2022/09/introducing-the-toefl-integrated-section/ Tue, 20 Sep 2022 11:00:00 +0000 /?p=791 The TOEFL test, like the IELTS test, has four parts: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. TOEFL writing itself is divided into several parts. One of these sections is Integrated. In this article, we explain the TOEFL Integrated section so that you know what it is and how you should answer the questions to get the…

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The TOEFL test, like the IELTS test, has four parts: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. TOEFL writing itself is divided into several parts. One of these sections is Integrated. In this article, we explain the TOEFL Integrated section so that you know what it is and how you should answer the questions to get the best score. So stay with us.


You will be given about 20 minutes to write a text for the TOEFL writing section. But before you start writing, there are several things you need to do. You will be given a 4-paragraph text, and you must read it. It takes about 3 minutes to read this text. Then an audio file will be played that you should also listen to. Then you have to write your opinion after reading the text and listening to the audio file and the connection between the two.

You should know that the comment on the text and the comment on the audio file may be in the same direction, or each may present a different idea.

How to answer this section?

1. To avoid confusing text and audio files, you can write the points related to the text on the left side and the points associated with the audio file on the right side. This way, you can easily identify what each person’s opinion is.

2. Do not forget that the audio file is played once and cannot be repeated. So try to listen to it carefully and write down the important points.

3. Be sure to pay attention to the text opinion and audio file opinion and whether they agree or disagree with each other. Try to identify the topic and comments quickly and write them down in the corner of the paper.

4. Keep in mind that you should not write the speaker’s words and the text exactly in writing. This shows that you have no idea and copied the text. So you will not get any marks.

5. Finally, don’t forget that the allowed number of words you write for writing should be at least 150 to 220. No problem if you write more, but don’t write less.


TOEFL Integrated section requires a lot of practice. Because you have to be fast, read the text, and listen to the audio file in a few minutes. Understanding the speaker’s opinion and the text is also very important, and you must be able to recognize it. Otherwise, you will not get a total score from this section. All your skills, such as listening and reading, will be measured in this writing section. So practice a lot.

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Everything about TOEFL Speaking  /2022/06/everything-about-toefl-speaking/ Sun, 26 Jun 2022 10:00:00 +0000 https://blog.mockexamlab.com/?p=398 TOEFL is one of the most prestigious international exams you must take to study and work. Like the IELTS test, this test has four skills: speaking, listening, writing, and reading, all of which you must be proficient in. Unlike the IELTS test, the TOEFL speaking is held on the main test day. This section is…

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TOEFL is one of the most prestigious international exams you must take to study and work. Like the IELTS test, this test has four skills: speaking, listening, writing, and reading, all of which you must be proficient in. Unlike the IELTS test, the TOEFL speaking is held on the main test day. This section is very challenging, and in addition to speaking skills, it also includes other skills that we will explain in the following. This article will review TOEFL speaking questions and prepare you for this test. So join us.

Two women taking a speaking test

Introducing TOEFL Speaking 

TOEFL Speaking has 6 questions, and your voice is recorded throughout the test. You have a set time to answer each question, and if you talk more than the allotted time, your conversation will not count. This test will also assess your reading and listening skills. This way, several questions are independent, and only your speaking skills are tested. Several questions are also dependent and are about all three skills. 

Questions 1 and 2

The first two questions of the TOEFL Speaking Test are independent and only measure your speaking skills. We will explain these questions below. 

In these questions, you have about 1 minute. In the first 15 seconds, the question is read to you. Then you have 45 seconds to answer the questions. This is a short time, so you just have to show your speaking skills and avoid talking that isn’t relevant to the question. Also, avoid talking too much to manage your time.

Question 1

The first question will ask you about general topics. In this section, you have many choices to answer. For example, you may be asked what your favorite pastime is. In that case, don’t overthink; only explain one of your pastimes. 

Question 2

In this section, you will be asked a question, and two options will be placed in front of you. You have to choose one of these options and explain it. Don’t waste your time. Choose one and start quickly.

Questions 3 – 6

A table is shown from above showing the hands of two people speaking

These questions are a combination that also assesses your three speaking, listening, and reading skills. So try to pay attention to the questions during the reading and listening tests and memorize them to easily answer these questions. 

Question 3

You will first be given a text to read in 50 seconds in this question. Then in the next 50 seconds, someone expresses their opinion, and you have to listen to it. Next, you have about 30 seconds to think. Finally, you have about 1 minute to express your opinion.

Question 4

This question is like the third question, and you have to read a text, listen to someone and then express your opinion. This question is no different from the third question in terms of timing. The only difference between the two questions is in the subject. The subject of question 4 is academic.

Question 5

The subject of this question is like the third question. But you don’t need to read the text in this section. In the question listening section, you hear the conversation between two people. One person states a problem in this question, and the other person offers a solution. In addition to summarizing the problem and solutions, you should comment on the issue. 

Question 6

The subject of the sixth question, like the fourth question, is usually academic. This section will listen to a professor who examines an issue from two sides. Finally, you should also express your opinion about what Master said.


In this article, you will get acquainted with TOEFL speaking test questions. These questions require sufficient skills in speaking, listening, and reading. So don’t forget that you have to be skilled in all sections to get the desired score in TOEFL Speaking.

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